Banana Diet - Pixabay
Banana Diet - Pixabay

Banana diet was designed to get rid of extra pounds, and was very popular in Japan. The concept of the diet is based on the unlimited consumption of bananas with room temperature water or milk for breakfast. Lunch and dinner are unlimited, as far as the consumption of other foods and foods is concerned. It is allowed to eat one or more bananas between meals, but no desserts or snacks are allowed. You must not eat anything after 20 pm, and you must go to sleep before midnight.

Banana Diet - Pixabay
Banana Diet - Pixabay

The banana diet was designed by pharmacist Sumiko Watanabe, who conceived it for her husband Hitoshi Watanabe, who lost 16,8 kg of excess weight with this diet.


Banana diet, typical rules

  1. Eat a banana for breakfast (you can eat one banana, up to a maximum of 4 small bananas)
  2. For lunch, you can eat a banana with a small salad
  3. You can drink a glass of water whenever you want (room temperature)
  4. Have dinner before 20 pm (no limit)
  5. You can eat a banana as an evening snack
  6. Going to bed is before midnight

Possible problems with expected weight loss may arise due to the fact that there are no restrictions on lunch and dinner. This always allows people prone to overeating to have problems with this type of diet.

Bananas are an excellent source of nutritious fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Six grams of fiber in two bananas for breakfast, causes a feeling of satiety and reduces calorie intake.

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