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Celery salad - Ivana Mitrović - Recipes and Cookbook online

Celery salad - Ivana Mitrović

Celery salad – an interesting combination of foods... worth trying.

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Celery salad - Ivana Mitrović

celery salad Ivana Mitrovic recipes and cookbook online

Celery salad - an interesting combination of ingredients... worth a try.

  • a head of celery
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • 100 g of gorgonzola
  • 4 spoons of olive oil
  • a cup of wine vinegar
  • a little cognac
  • so
  • beaver
  1. Clean and peel the celery and cut it into cubes and put it in a salad bowl.
  2. Put the walnuts in hot water for a minute, drain them, peel them and cut them coarsely, leaving a few whole pieces for decoration.
  3. Mix with celery cubes, cover and leave in the fridge.
  4. Mash the Gorgonzola (although some other moldy cheese can be used) in a bowl with a fork.
  5. Pour over cognac, mix well, add oil and vinegar, little by little with constant mixing until a smooth cream is obtained.
  6. Be sure to try it and add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Mix the dressing with celery only when serving.
  8. We use whole walnuts and celery leaves for decoration.