BKTV news - Miracle chia seeds - Pixabay
BKTV news - Miracle chia seeds - Pixabay

These barely visible grains are one of the most expensive foods, but when you hear all the benefits it brings to the body, you will understand that the price is really justified.

Chia grows in Central and South America (the name "hispanica" says enough), that is, in the areas of Latin America that were previously inhabited by the ancient peoples of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. These peoples used their seeds, among other things, as a means of payment.

Today, chia is cultivated for its seeds, which have a diameter of about a millimeter, and are therefore most similar in shape to poppy seeds, dark in color, brown, gray and sometimes white.

In literal translation, their name means strength, and in the tradition of these peoples, white and black whose seeds were used to boost energy, which makes sense because they are very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants and calcium.

They have become popular recently among the modern population who use them in all possible ways. It is very easy to consume them, because they are used as an addition to soups, salads, shakes, natural juices and anything else, because they have absolutely no taste, but that is why their effect is immeasurable.

BKTV news - Miracle chia seeds - Pixabay
BKTV news - Miracle chia seeds - Pixabay

Interestingly, they contain five times more calcium than milk, and seven times more vitamin C than an orange. They also contain three times more iron than spinach, and two times more potassium than bananas.

In addition, they promote the health of the skin, hair and nails, and anyone can consume them without any fear that they will harm them, because they do not contain gluten.

Due to the high concentration of fibers, they improve digestion and treat the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, with which people nowadays have a lot of problems.

Due to the 20 percent of omega 3 fatty acids it contains, they are among the best foods for brain and heart health. Until now, you were told to eat salmon for this purpose, but these seeds contain eight times more omega 3 fatty acids.

What is most important and what made them popular is that they are a very powerful antioxidant, as they have four times the value of ORAC units than blueberries.

They are also excellent for diabetics because they have a positive effect on blood glucose levels.

Besides being a useful addition to the diet, they are also a great substitute for eggs. All you need to do is mix them with water to make a gel, and then add them to recipes as an egg substitute.

Nutritionists recommend about one tablespoon of chia seeds per day, and drink plenty of water when using them, as they are very rich in fiber.

Whose seeds you can buy in health food stores, bio shops and pharmacies, at a price of 3.250 per kilogram in Bio Spajz, but you can also order them online through the website "Raw food Serbia" at twice the cheaper price during this month.

If you're curious to try them right away, make a dessert that takes all of 15 minutes and is healthier and tastier than any store-bought one. Of course, it contains chia seeds.

Source: BKTVnews.com, author Katarina Mihajlović


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