Are peanuts healthy? - Pixabay
Are peanuts healthy? - Pixabay

Although peanuts energy bomb full of calories, nutritionists recommend that it be consumed occasionally.

Namely, by consuming only 30 g of this food per week (with an otherwise balanced menu), mortality from cardiovascular disorders could be reduced by 23-28 percent, and in the case of other diseases by 17-21 percent! American scientists from Vanderbilt University came to this conclusion after years of studying the eating habits of about 70.000 Americans and 130.000 Chinese.

Are peanuts healthy? - Pixabay
Are peanuts healthy? - Pixabay

Rich in proteins, vitamins, oligo-elements, fibers, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids, peanuts are both nutritious and medicinal. Among the multitude of useful ingredients, this favorite snack of all generations is rich in otherwise deficient iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus... And what is very important, it does not contain cholesterol.

Peanuts belong to the legume family, and are rich in vitamins and minerals that benefit health.

Five reasons to eat peanuts more often

Lowers cholesterol

Unroasted peanuts, i.e. peanuts in the shell, have not been industrially added fat and salt, so it is a healthy food with numerous nutritional properties. Peanuts are rich in healthy fats that lower harmful cholesterol, thus protecting the heart and cardiovascular system, writes


Balances blood sugar levels

One study showed that the intake of peanuts or butter from these fruits in the body can balance the level of sugar in the blood and thus prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Hunger kills

Peanuts are one of the healthiest snacks. It has a rich taste that is very filling, and therefore a good ally in losing weight. If you feel hungry between meals, forget about chocolate and chips and reach for this delicious snack.

It stimulates memory

These snacks are excellent food for the brain because they contain vitamin B3 which stimulates the work of the whole organ and memory.

A wealth of nutrients

The ripening of the fruit in the protective shell allows the peanut to retain all nutrients, including important minerals such as zinc and iron, which contributes to the health of the whole organism.

Source: BKTV news

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