Filled chicken rolls - Ljiljana Stanković - Recipes and Cookbook online
Filled chicken rolls - Ljiljana Stanković - Recipes and Cookbook online

Filled chicken rolls - Ljiljana Stanković

Stuffed chicken rolls - very caloric, tasty, you don't need much, because you get full quickly from a small amount. With this dish, it is best to prepare mashed potatoes, a salad of your choice and the inevitable soup.

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Filled chicken rolls - Ljiljana Stanković

stuffed chicken rolls Ljiljana Stankovic recipes and cookbook online

Filled chicken rolls - very high in calories, tasty, you don't need much, because you get full quickly from a small amount. With this dish, it is best to prepare mashed potatoes, a salad of your choice and the inevitable soup.

  • 500 g of chicken white meat
  • so
  • beaver
  • mix of spices
  • 6 šnitakačkavalja
  • 6 ham sandwiches
  • a few spoonfuls of mustard

For breading:

  • flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • breadcrumbs
  1. Separate the white meat from the bones and cut into six steaks.
  2. Pound the steaks with a meat mallet. Salt, pepper and coat with mustard. Place a sheet of thinly sliced ​​ham and cheese on each steak and roll everything up.
  3. Roll each roll in flour, eggs and finally in breadcrumbs.
  4. Place the rolls in a fireproof dish greased with oil. Spray them on top with a little more oil. Bake at 180 degrees for about 70 minutes.