Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - Recipes and Cookbook online
Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - Recipes and Cookbook online

Grilled cauliflower with garlic and parmesan cheese - in this way, grilled cauliflower will cause sighs, even from those who don't like it. Great idea to get kids to eat cauliflower!

Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - Recipes and Cookbook online
Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - Recipes and Cookbook online

Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - Recipes and Cookbook online

Grilled cauliflower with garlic and parmesan cheese recipes and cookbook online

Grilled Cauliflower with Garlic and Parmesan - this way, grilled cauliflower will make even those who don't like it sigh.

  • 2 tablespoons garlic (minced)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 head of cauliflower (larger, flowers separated)
  • 0,33 cup parmesan cheese (grated)
  • salt (to taste)
  • pepper (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon parsley (fresh leaves, chopped)
  1. Heat the oven to 220 degrees C. Grease a large baking dish with olive oil.
  2. In a large bag, add olive oil and minced garlic. Then add the separate cauliflower florets and shake well. When all the flowers are well oiled and coated with garlic, put all the ingredients in a baking dish. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Bake for about 25 minutes, stirring a few times. Sprinkle with grated parmesan and chopped parsley and bake for another 3-5 minutes, until the cauliflower turns golden-brown.
You can also add a few whole cloves of garlic, during baking, for decoration.

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