Grapes in baby food - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Grapes in baby food - Ana Vuletić - Image courtesy of [by rakratchada torsap] at - Recipes and Cooking online

Za grapes they say it's rich in vitamins and minerals that help your heart health and protect against "bad" chloresterol. Also, grapes are rich in antioxidants, especially red or dark grapes. Although it achieves its effects through processing into wine - wine, like any other alcohol, should never be given to babies, not even in the form of midwife advice: smearing cold wine on the baby's gums.

Grapes in baby food - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Grapes in baby food - Ana Vuletić - Image courtesy of [by rakratchada torsap] at - Recipes and Cookbook online

When to introduce grapes to babies?

Although some start introducing grapes in the period of 6 months, it is still advised to wait between the 8th and 10th months of the baby's life. Grapes are not so much an allergy risk as they are a choking risk, especially if you don't prepare them properly before giving them to your baby.

It is advised that you never give whole grains to your baby as this can cause choking. It is best to peel it and blend it, although the peel itself contains the most antioxidants. Before the 10th month, it is recommended to make puree from peeled grapes mixed with other food, or after the 10th month to cut them into pieces or into quarters or halves, but lengthwise - never crosswise, because that way the baby will swallow them more easily. With the new invention of the safe baby feeder, you can cool grapes and put them in the feeder.

What kind of food to give babies?

Grapes are one of those fruits that gets sprayed with pesticides, so I advise you to either buy from someone you know who uses them or try to find organic when possible. It should be bought immediately before eating, at least a couple of days in advance, because due to its thin shell, it is susceptible to changes.

When choosing grapes for your baby, choose ones that aren't bruised, bruised, or have spots on them, as well as seedless varieties. They say that the ones imported from South and Latin America should be avoided because they still use pesticides that are banned in other countries.

Grape values?

Grapes are rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, niacin and folic acid, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron.

What can I mix with grapes?

Grapes go well with:

  • Avocado
  • Blueberries
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • With a carrot
  • Zucchini and yellow squash
  • Sweet red potatoes
  • Chicken
  • Yogurt

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