Foods That Calm Anxiety - Pixabay
Foods That Calm Anxiety - Pixabay

Dr. Uma Naido, an expert in food and psychology, recently wrote an article about the healing power of food. anxiety.

She explained that while a healthy diet with plenty of water and low caffeine is key, there are certain foods you can consume if you're interested in treating your
anxiety (through diet).

Here's what she recommends:

  • everything that is naturally rich in magnesium such as spinach, Swiss chard, beans, whole grains and walnuts,
  • anything naturally rich in zinc such as oysters, cashews, liver, beef and egg yolks,
  • salmon rich in omega-3 acids,
  • foods rich in probiotics (pickles, sauerkraut and kefir),
  • asparagus,
  • anything rich in vitamin B (avocados and almonds).

All of these foods, when consumed regularly, have been proven to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Of course, this condition cannot be cured by diet and more serious forms of anxiety require appropriate treatments and professional help.

Anxiety is a condition manifested by a feeling of anxiety, fear up to panic, with psychomotor tension and inner restlessness, as well as a feeling that the person will "explode". Most often, it is unmotivated and not tied to an object or a person.


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