Interview with... Marijana Primc Anastasijević | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?
Interview with... Marijana Primc Anastasijević

I am a supporter of the fact that people should eat food that grows in "their backyard", that is, food that is characteristic of the geographical area where they live. We, in our genes, have written down what our ancestors ate, our organism works according to those records and we should respect that and act accordingly.

By the way, although I like to cook, I don't like to stay in the kitchen for a long time - all the dishes I prepare must be such that they can be prepared quickly, with as little baking and cooking as possible, in which I participate.

Marketing is, unfortunately, often abused in the food industry, but let's stay on the bright side. Good advertising can sell a product, and let's believe that the product itself is of good quality.

Marijana Primc Anastasijevic
Marijana Primc Anastasijevic

Marijana Primc Anastasijevic is a long-term marketing manager in the most important IT magazines and media in Serbia (MakeIT Production, PC Press, Digital, TVCOM/PCTV,...).

He is the winner of the award "Discoballs" for the project Interface TV (MakeIT production) and the promotion of computer knowledge and skills in Serbia and the region. He is the winner of a special plaque and certificate of appreciation for MakeIT production, awarded by the primary and secondary school "Milan Petrović".

She was a participant and manager of various media projects, and she is among the most significant documentary film about 50 years of digital computing in Serbia, whose sponsor was the Society for Informatics of Serbia. The initiator is prestigious IT Awards, which is one of the most coveted and prestigious awards and titles in the IT industry.

As our long-time and dear friend, Marijana talks about marketing in food production, about marketing in general, about new projects for Recipes & Kuvar.

- You have been in IT marketing for years - what is the situation today, market-wise and methodologically?

It is not easy to give a short answer to this question, but... It will sound stereotypical if I say that it used to be much better. When I started marketing in the IT field in 1995, there were still not all these technical aids. Internet marketing was still in its infancy in our country and everything was still done the way it was, on foot - analog.

There were not many professional media that dealt with IT, maybe that's why marketing was easier to do then. Of course, technology advanced rapidly, the IT market expanded and the job of a marketing manager became more and more complex. New forms, new media, new way of communicating with consumers. In order to be in constant shape, one had to study and study - although, I personally believe that it should be like that, in all areas of life. Constant upgrading of knowledge, as in technology, is necessary to move forward.

However, although new ways of communication and all these technological aids contributed to the expansion of marketing, one question remained the same - how to present a product or service to a potential customer and how to reach the target group. But, not to theorize about marketing and PR, all those who have been in this business long enough will understand what I'm talking about, and new staff will already learn practical knowledge.

I think the IT market has changed significantly in the past few years. The focus has shifted significantly. For example, in the beginning, we all wanted to know everything about the computers and software we were buying. How does it work, why does it work like that, what is in those boxes, how does it run some software - and somehow it seems to me that there was some elite group, who called themselves IT users.

By bringing technology down to the level of a TV (even though now you need to be technically literate to use a TV) - I press one button and it works, and how - what do I care - I just want it to do what I need, the elite broke. Unfortunately, in the time we live in today, and here, it has become much more important how much something costs, than its quality. And the manufacturers have cunningly made their devices, to do the job, exactly as much as their warranty. It is a classic system of creating a consumer society - price vs. quality, where quality is no longer so important, because, anyway, a new version of the same product will appear in a few months, or at most a year.

I think that in Serbia it is increasingly difficult in the IT sector. We have not yet developed enough in that direction, and our wishes are much greater than our real possibilities. A certain number of large companies have shut down in the last couple of years, maybe it should have been that way... But I also think that the market in our country is both oversaturated and hungry at the same time... It's a paradox, but isn't everything paradoxical in our country?

- What new projects are you working on?

The MakeIT agency has still kept its basic project -, and lately we have focused more on some production stories, which are not only related to IT. Production of audio and video commercials, from idea to realization, corporate films, recording of seminars...

On the Facebook page of the MakeIT agency, you can see all our references so far... Currently, we also cooperate with SuperSchool, which is a video school for elementary students, which should help them master school material... One of the newer projects, which we believe has bright future, is the IT Awards.

– IT Awards? Can you explain to us what this is about?

IT Awards is a project that we launched last year.

The year before last, at one of our gatherings (the MakeIT Agency team), in a local cafe, we realized that thanks to close cooperation with the AwardsWise company, we have something that has huge potential: Awards Management System - software that has been used in Britain for 5 years, for the organization of various competitions - with the awarding of Awards. We agreed that we as a team and as an Agency already have quite good credibility to be the bearers of such an organization. And we have determined that there is free space on the market, that is, that IT companies need something that will be an incentive for them to progress.

And, we started the realization! AwardsWise, took it upon themselves to adapt the software to the IT competition, and the site was set up bilingually (although everyone involved in IT should be very good at English, we left open the possibility that this is not the case). We gathered partners, media sponsors, sponsors and started the campaign. We relied primarily on the electronic media - TV, radio and the Internet, but the support of the print media was not missing either. The project brought together international judges - top experts in the IT field - and there were no problems. What we expected, because it's not the first time, that we are bili First in starting something, we encountered resistance of various natures - from comments: "...all the prizes are fixed, only the big ones can get them...", or, "...what will it do to us, we know where we are and what we are like...".

A lot of effort in branding, in answering all coherent and incoherent questions, help with filling out the application, for those who wanted to apply, translating applications from English to Serbian, or from Serbian to English, production of attractive video files, guest appearances, posts, blogs ... all in all, another 6 months of intensive daily work - and the final. One more month of engagement, selection of space for awards, preparation of plaques and surprises... when everything is added up - 7 months of daily work by the MakeIT and Awardswise team.

And, we realized.

There were a lot of nominations, large and small companies, and among them the Institute from Germany, websites from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia... The judging team had a difficult task and chose, in the end, from each category those who they deserve to take home the IT Awards 2013 plaque, as the best among equals. Because, really, all nominated projects and individuals were extremely good.

This whole year has been extremely turbulent. Many different things happened in Serbia, which of course (although not directly), indirectly have an impact on all segments of our lives, including IT. Therefore, we have extended the registration of projects - nominations - and this year's nominations for the IT Awards 2014 close on September 01. The interest is great, for some categories more, for some less - which is completely logical. The awarding of the IT Awards 2014 plaque will be organized on October 22.10, and we will announce the exact place and time on the page, where, after all, you can get all the necessary information about nominations and registration.

- How can you characterize the impact of marketing in food production/distribution?

My personal opinion is that marketing is always necessary, and I always highlight the CocaCola company as an example, yes, even when you have multi-million sales, it is necessary to invest in marketing and in the best way. Marketing is, unfortunately, often abused in the food industry, but let's stay on the bright side. Good advertising can sell a product, and let's believe that the product itself is of good quality.

We all know that our basic need - to eat - is to survive, or live, although there are other opinions... but, somehow, we will give up everything, in order to afford at least one meal... When I look at the media (print or electronic), whatever their focus is, there is always an advertisement for a food product, or at least a recipe.

It does not mean that everything advertised is a good product. We know from experience that, unfortunately, and often, some truths are kept silent. You have to be a wise buyer, which is not easy at all.

Maybe because we know we have to eat, some producers think there is no need to invest in marketing and see it as just an expense. But in this area, as in all other areas, marketing is INVESTMENT. It rarely happens that you have an effect - now and immediately, and a return on investment, but, in the long run - I return to the example of CocaCola - and how it is money well invested.

- In your opinion, what is the importance of a healthy diet for general health?

Well, in the last few years we have been caught up in the wave of fashion, so we all suddenly got the urge to "eat healthy". It's become, like, some kind of syndrome of the modern age, or whatever. What does it mean to eat healthy anyway?

For many years, I have been engaged in the study of nutrition, in a layman's way... Reading literature on the nutrition culture of various civilizations and cultures. And then I came across some interesting books, which taught me that the healthiest food is the one that pleases us at a certain moment. But modern times have "killed" us that basic rule, which small children still have - to say, to listen to ourselves, but carefully, and to choose food accordingly. Those who managed to do it - to discover in themselves, or keep it, whatever, they live a healthy life. But that's a minority, the modern age brings us that kind of speed of living, when we don't have time for anything...

Let me not philosophize too much - I personally believe that what we eat is very important. Often our excuse is the material situation - that we can't feed ourselves, I'll use that expression too, hello, but that, like many other things in life, is just an excuse.

I am a supporter of the fact that people should eat food that grows in "their backyard", that is, food that is characteristic of the geographical area where they live. We, in our genes, have written down what our ancestors ate, our organism works according to those records and we should respect that and act accordingly. Maybe many will not agree with me, and I think that's okay too, because everyone has the right to their own opinion. However, sometimes it is good to listen to others, and in the end make your own decision.

- What are the most important factors/foods in a healthy diet, in your opinion?

I have already said part of my position on healthy eating, in response to the previous question. Let's put it this way - let's eat what pleases us, which is our national food, listen carefully to our body and respect its needs. A combination of food and drink, in moderate quantities, or the rule: "4 colors on a plate" - white, green, red and yellow, a little cooked, a little baked, a little raw, and I believe that's how we make the least mistakes...

- What should you pay attention to when buying food? How to exclude the influence of marketing - what are your recommendations?

I will start from the second part, with the statement - difficult! I've already mentioned our intelligence several times, which doesn't always serve us the best 🙂 It's really hard to turn off all that advertising "information", all around us, that bombards all our senses - and it's not always only from the media - but also when, on for example, you are walking in the city... where, in addition to the attack on the visual sense, your sense of smell is also stimulated, so the sense of taste goes crazy and seeks immediate satisfaction.

I mean, primarily, bakeries and various fast food stores. They play that card... Before we start any kind of shopping - I think it's good to stop, at least for a second, and ask ourselves - if that's what I really want - and only then decide on the purchase. We are often advised that we should carefully read what is written on the labels of various products, but - given that we are always in a race, we have the excuse that we don't have time for it. Then, in fact, we discover that we have the time to read and check every product, then, when our health deteriorates, right?!?

- In your opinion, does ecological production have a future? What is its impact on a healthy diet?

Ecological products are products that have not been treated with chemicals of any kind. These were, in fact, the gardens of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Honestly, I think that today it is increasingly difficult to talk about ecological production, when we have already poisoned the land and water so much - that is, that it is very difficult to find a piece of clean land - maybe somewhere in the Himalayas... But that does not mean that it should not be done work and strive for it.

Awareness of the preservation of the planet and awareness of the fact that there are opportunities to obtain food that has not been treated with any chemicals should be developed. We need to educate the population, and that's somehow the hardest thing for us. We have already deformed ourselves for too long and created a distorted image, what is good and what is not, that I think it really takes a lot of effort to understand, that we only have this Planet and that we have only one life, to do something for the welfare, if not ourselves - then our children.

- Finally, what is your favorite dish/recipe of home cooking? What is your favorite dish/recipe at a restaurant?

When we talk about home cooking, I like sarma the most 🙂 The one made with sauerkraut leaves is the best, but since it is exclusively a winter dish, I often make summer variations as well - from green leaves, from vine leaves, and almost discovered that it is also quite fine from kale leaves. It can also be made from fresh cabbage leaves, but I'm not really a fan of it. Of course, I have to add gibanica to the list of favorite dishes from my grandmother's kitchen...

But I also love it caesar salad, especially in summer. Actually, when I think about it, I like to eat a lot of different things, I like to experiment and I like to cook. With this experience, I rarely consult recipes, I always have my own combination...

As for restaurants, since I live on the banks of the Danube in Zemun, my favorite dish is fish soup (and only in some restaurants), and grilled catfish or perch are always my first choice.

- Which recipe do you prefer to prepare?

Well, I've already said, given my culinary experience and love for cooking, I don't have any special recipe that I would highlight when it comes to savory dishes. I like to consult recipes sometimes, when it comes to sweets, so I often visit your site - and I have already prepared several times for my friends and family Prince Philip cake, which we all really liked - because I don't like cakes (as my father once said) that are a "bread and jam" variant. I love creamy cakes, with lots of filling and fruit, so that's probably why this one caught my eye.

By the way, although I like to cook, I don't like to stay in the kitchen for a long time - all the dishes I prepare must be such that they can be prepared quickly, with as little baking and cooking as possible, in which I participate. I say that because there are some recipes, the preparation of which is relatively quick, and then they are simmered for a long time, which is fine.

When it comes to celebrations, or celebrations, I like to have a lot of different dishes, and that's not a problem for me, because good organization is also important in cooking, and then everything goes as it should.

I like your site precisely because of those steps - the procedure, because it enables a good organization of the preparation, which significantly shortens the time spent in the kitchen.

Zemun, Belgrade, August 2014.
Interview led by: Miodrag Ilić
Recipes and Cookbook online, Linkom-PC, all rights reserved


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