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My dream is to one day be someone's role model

Tamara NikolicTamara Nikolić is one of those young people who were lucky enough to recognize their gift and, enrolling in school, take the path they know is their destiny. For her, gastronomy is a profession to which she is devoted with all her heart and, perhaps more importantly, with all her curiosity. Tamara is 19 years old, and she has already registered four years in her work book!

Unusual for our country. Many will say - lucky for her, she will live to retire, and she doesn't think about it because, as she says, cooking is not just a job she earns a living, but it is her calling in life. There is no pension because you devote yourself to your calling for the rest of your life.

Where did such a passion for gastronomy come from in a young girl?

- I don't know how to describe it exactly, but one feeling that I experience when I see that my guests enjoy when I discover something new to them is important to me. When they quiet down and look at me curiously, that's the moment that makes cooking for people wonderful. I usually show the passion I feel for this job with a smile, and it fills me completely when I see the guests smiling. I know that I also contributed to make it nice for them.

When did you know that the kitchen would be a proving ground?

- I think I knew that since I was little because I always felt good in the kitchen. It seems to me that all kitchens in this world have a special energy. I am attracted by the fact that you can create all kinds of things in such a small space with a few ingredients. For someone, a piece of cloth is just an ordinary rag, and someone will make a wonderful dress out of that rag. It's the same in cooking. It's all about passion, talent and curiosity, and I obviously express myself well in that field. I feel fulfilled and alive in the kitchen. I'm here at home.

Did high school give you the knowledge you expected?

- The school gave me very little information when it comes to this job but, on the other hand, I am very grateful because the school internship opened many doors for me and helped me start my career early in the best restaurants. You don't come to such restaurants from the street with a story - you know, I'm really talented... With the catering school, everything was much more accessible and easier.

You started working early. Is practice the best way to learn?

- I have convinced myself more than once that practice is the best school. When you prepare a dish for the first time, feel each ingredient, feel those moments when you need to add this or that to the dish, you recognize the moment when it is ready... The secret of success in a culinary career lies in feeling and commitment, not in a book. Of course, theory is additional knowledge that is a bonus along with talent and the desire to learn, work and prove yourself.

Who did you learn the most from?

- I learned the most from my first boss, Bojan Pirivatrić. At that time he was the chef of the restaurant "Voulez Vous". I will always be grateful for his patience and the knowledge he passed on to me. He helped me the most with advice and I believe I learned from the best.

What is it about gastronomy that you want to improve?

- I think I have yet to find it. Now I'm very intrigued by molecular gastronomy, but maybe it's just a current fad. I love the cuisine of Japan, and I don't hate sweets either. I'll see where the kitchens take me.

Do you have role models in your profession?

- Everyone avoids names, and I really don't have a problem with that. My role models are Aleksandar Stevanović, Dejan Stanković, Bojan Pirivatrić, Toni Radić. They are all my dear friends and top chefs.

Are young talents left to themselves and their ambitions?

- The opportunities for improvement are endless in our country as well. You just need to have ambition and know where and from whom to seek knowledge. If you recognize in mentors people ready to help, then everything depends only on the one who wants to learn.

How often should you change workplace?

- Sometimes those who change jobs often have a bad reputation for being fickle. I believe that young chefs should change jobs in order to gain as many different experiences as possible. Of course, you should stay where you have something to learn, but it is ideal to change the kitchen for three years.

What are your goals and how do you plan to achieve them?

- One day I will definitely have my own restaurant. That is my ultimate goal, and in the meantime I will improve. If it is not immodest, it is my dream that one day I will be a role model, inspiration and support for some young chefs.

Is it easier for men or women in your industry? Working hours limit going out and socializing, so how do you manage?

- It is definitely easier for men when it comes to the physical part of the job, but I think that women are still stronger. And there are so few of us among the bosses. This job requires a lot of sacrifice, but it gives back much more. As for going out, there will always be the option of going to the club after the shift or having a morning coffee with friends before the shift.

What is the best thing you have done so far, what are you proud of?

- I am proud and happy that, at this early age, I managed to gain the admiration of a young person and to be her inspiration, because for me that is proof of success. I am also pleased with the respect I have gained through my hard work and the support of the vast majority of women in this business.

Bosses are the stars today. Do you see yourself in such a constellation?

- I am still green to think about myself in that way. It's nice to dream, but it's important to work and have a strong desire, will and be dedicated to that work. Fame comes and goes, and you take your cooking skills with you wherever you go.

Tamara Nikolić is the head of the jury for the evaluation of the posted recipes during the month of February, on the portal Recepti & Kuvar online.

Belgrade, February 2015.
Interview conducted by: Branka G. Gajić
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