YIN AND YANG by Cvijeta Mesić | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?

It is a general misconception that Yin is weak energy and Yang is strong. Both energies can be both weak and strong. When we talk about behavior - let's say that Yin's strength is that it can adapt to different circumstances. For example, bamboo survives because of its ability to bend in the wind but always straighten itself. Yang energy has the power of rootedness, like an oak for example, it perseveres firmly in its attachment to the earth, despite circumstances. Sometimes the situation forces us to be flexible and sometimes to be firm and persistent. Yang energy brings us practical thinking, firmness, logic, down-to-earthness, while Yin energy gives us breadth, creativity, imagination, sense of the abstract. We need both energies and a balance between them is ideal. Everyone can test themselves and see what needs to be worked on to achieve balance. Balance is health and vice versa.

The food we eat directly affects balance. In macrobiotics, it is important to determine which food is Yin and which is Yang, or more precisely which is more Yin or more Yang, given that these energies always exist together, the only question is which is more dominant and when. Yin energy affects growth in warmer climates; faster growth; foods that contain more water; leaves and fruits; growing high above the ground; while Yang energy affects growth in colder climates; slower growth; roots, stems and seeds; growth down and below the surface of the earth. So - foods that grow below the surface of the soil, such as burdock root, carrots, are Yang, those that grow close to the ground, such as onions or pumpkins, are more balanced, and those that grow above the ground, such as kale, are Yin. Fruit that grows high above the ground is even more Yin. It is a law of nature that governs plants, as well as all life. People who live according to natural laws and respect for nature, the environment, the planet, etc. they can certainly hope and be rewarded with the Great Life (macro bios).


Cvijeta Mesić - actress and macrobiotic - Recipes and Cookbook online


Cvijeta MesicAuthorized instructor macrobiotic cooking by School of Healing Arts, San Diego, USA