How to clean a burnt pan quickly?! - Tips - Ana Vuletić | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?
How to clean a burnt pan quickly - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online

Issue? Clean a burnt pan?

How to clean a burnt pan? To every housewife it happens that her sometimes the dish burns i the greatest stress occurs when scrubbing dishes for that matter.


How to clean a burnt pan quickly - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online
How to clean a burnt pan quickly - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online

But that's where they come to the rescue little secrets of great chefs. All you need is a little baking soda and wine vinegar:

  1. Fill the burnt pan with water to cover all the burnt parts, but leave room for the vinegar.
  2. Add a cup of vinegar to the water. If it is more burnt, you can add more vinegar.
  3. Put the pot on the stove to boil water and turn off the stove.
  4. Add two tablespoons of baking soda. The water will start to foam. Let it sit for a while. You will see the burnt parts separate from the pot.
  5. After about 10 minutes, rinse the pan with warm water. If you have stains left in a few places, you can add baking soda directly and scrub with the rough side of the sponge.
  6. Rinse with lukewarm water and you'll have a pan like new.

Contribution and advice sent by our colleague Ana Vuletić. All recipes by Ana Vuletić.

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