Kohlrabi sheds pounds in record time - Pixabay
Kohlrabi sheds pounds in record time - Pixabay

Kohlrabi it sheds pounds in record time, and nutritionists eat it every day.

If you want to get full quickly and at the same time maintain a slim line, eat kohlrabi, nutritionists advise.

Cabbage is an extremely healthy, low-calorie vegetable rich in vegetable fibers that provide a longer feeling of satiety and stimulate digestion, which is why it is especially recommended for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C (62 milligrams per 100 grams), thus strengthening immunity, neutralizing the effects of harmful free radicals and slowing down aging.


It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system because it reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It also stabilizes the blood sugar level, so it is recommended for hypoglycemia and diabetes.

In addition, vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, which is responsible for supplying blood with oxygen, thus invigorating and strengthening the entire body.

Regular consumption of fresh kohlrabi reduces the risk of kidney stones, while the potassium present lowers high blood pressure. It relieves constipation, and well-informed claim that it helps prevent colon cancer.

It also has a beneficial effect on the health of bones, the lymphatic system, connective tissue, teeth and gums. Relieves edema, candidiasis and viral infections.

Source: BKTVnews.com

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