Croissant cake - Javorka Filipović - Recipes and Cookbook online
Croissant cake - Javorka Filipović - Recipes and Cookbook online

Croissant cake – a cake that your little ones will love. Well chilled, it tastes like winter ice cream.

Javorka Filipović, Kitchen Magic blog >>>

Croissant cake - Javorka Filipović - Recipes and Cookbook online
Croissant cake - Javorka Filipović - Recipes and Cookbook online

Croissant cake - Javorka Filipović - Recipes and Cookbook online


Croissant cake - a cake that your little ones will love. Well chilled, it tastes like winter ice cream.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 bags of vanilla pudding
  • 250 g margarine with vanilla flavor
  • 200 g of powdered sugar
  • 100 g of cooking chocolate
  • 2 large bags of mini chocolate croissants
  • 200 g of powdered whipped cream
  • milk (if needed)
  • mineral carbonated water (if necessary)
  • 2 boxes of sponge cake ((bigger boxes, but match the size of the tray))
  1. Cook the pudding in 1 liter of milk according to the instructions on the bag. Leave it to cool covered with cling film.
  2. Beat margarine with powdered sugar and slowly add it to the cooled pudding. Combine the mixture well by mixing it. Divide the pudding into 3 equal parts, add melted chocolate to one part and mix well.
  3. To prevent your cookies from sticking to the tray, first wet it with cold water, drain and sprinkle the surface with granulated sugar so that it adheres evenly to it.
  4. Heat the milk and pass the biscuits through it. Stack the first layer of sponge cake, cover with one part of the yellow filling. Arrange croissants previously soaked in milk over the filling. Stack the croissants crosswise in relation to the biscuits. Fill the cavities that remain between the croissants with the chocolate part of the pudding. Put the remaining yellow filling on top and finish with biscuits soaked in milk.
  5. Leave the cake for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight, in the refrigerator to cool down nicely and combine everything.
  6. Whip the whipped cream with mineral sparkling water. You need about 300 ml to get stiff whipped cream.
    Cover the cake with whipped cream and return it to the refrigerator until serving.
Note: adjust the amount of sponge cake to the size of the tray.

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