Potato salad - Suzana Mitić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Potato salad - Suzana Mitić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Potato salad - Suzana Mitić

Potato salad – a salad that everyone adores, it can also be a main meal.

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Potato salad - Suzana Mitić

potato salad Suzana Mitic png

  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 1 stalk of leek
  • 6 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of herbs
  • some pepper
  • a bit of salt
  1. Peel the potatoes and put them to cook. Leave the boiled potatoes to cool. Cut the cooled ones into slightly larger pieces, into circles.
  2. Cut the leek into rings and squeeze the lemon.
  3. Add oil, salt, pepper, herbs. Cover the zinnia and shake it several times to combine the ingredients. Do not mix the salad. Decorate it as desired.