Quince and apple balls - Snezana Kitanović - Recipes and Cookbook online
Quince and apple balls - Snezana Kitanović - Recipes and Cookbook online

Quince and apple balls.

Quince and apple balls - Snezana Kitanović - Recipes and Cookbook online
Quince and apple balls - Snezana Kitanović - Recipes and Cookbook online

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Quince and apple balls - Snezana Kitanović - Recipes and Cookbook online

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Quince and apple balls.

  • 0,25 kg. quince
  • 0,25 kg of apples
  • 250 gr. sugar
  • 50 gr. almonds (peeled)
  1. Grate quince and apples and stew in a pot with 250 gr. sugar.
    With occasional stirring, simmer over moderate heat so that it does not stick to the bottom.
  2. When the mass is uniform and thick enough to leave a wide mark from the welding machine, to see the bottom, remove from the stove and cool.
  3. Make balls from the cold mass, roll them in granulated sugar and stick an almond in each one.
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The cake is very generous and can stand for a very long time.

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