Macarons without sugar - Jadranka Blažić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Macarons without sugar - Jadranka Blažić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Macaron's without sugar - Jadranka Blažić

Macaron's without sugar - stevia is used as a substitute for sugar.

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Macaron's without sugar - Jadranka Blažić

macarons without sugar Jadranka Blazic recipes and cookbook online

Macaron's without sugar – stevia is used as a substitute for sugar.

Ingredients for the dough

  • 100 ml egg white (from 3 eggs)
  • 50 g of sifted ground almonds
  • stevia (to replace 150g of sugar)
  • very little salt (literally on the tip of a miniature knife)

Ingredients for the filling

  • 125 g of butter
  • 10 spoons of carob flour
  • lukewarm bottled or boiled water
  • vanilla aroma

Preparing the ingredients for the dough

  1. The mass for macarons is made by beating egg whites and adding color, salt and stevia. When you have beaten the egg whites, which should not be too firm as for the crusts for "Spanski vetar", add ground and sifted almonds. Mix slowly with a spatula to combine the egg whites and almonds. The more meat you mix, the more easily you will get a mass that falls off the spatula. When the mass falls off the spatula easily, it is ready. Fill the fisek with the mixture and if you don't have a silicone mat, press the mixture onto the baking paper that is already in your baking tray. The circles should not be larger than 3 cm. When you have pressed them all, hit the baking sheet on the work surface a couple of times so that the mass is nicely arranged and the air is expelled. Leave the tray with the macarons to stand for an hour and then put it in the oven that has been heated to 150C. 10 minutes should be enough, but make sure the macarons aren't soft and don't stick to your finger, and that they aren't completely dry like pacifiers. Take them out of the oven and let them cool for a minute and come off the paper, then move them to the surface where you will fill them.

Preparation of the filling

  1. Place the butter that has been at room temperature in a bowl, add the carob flour and the vanilla aroma, then slowly add the lukewarm water and mix with a whisk, because it will give the finest texture. When you have obtained a thickness like when the chocolate has softened in warm air, pour it into the fisek and fill the halves of the macarons, and cover with the other half. Store them in a box with a lid and keep them in the refrigerator.
You can pour the rest of the filling (if there is any left) into praline molds and put it in the refrigerator to harden.