Honey as first aid for cuts and scrapes - Pixabay
Honey as first aid for cuts and scrapes - Pixabay

We're all a bit clumsy, and hardly anyone doesn't scratch and cut themselves at least once a week (superficially, without much blood). Honey can serve as first aid, which we probably all have at home.

A thin layer of honey is applied to the gauze and wrapped around the injury or just placed on the injured area. And, we protected the wound from contamination and at the same time, honey acts as an anesthetic and antibiotic, because of all its ingredients, it doesn't matter what kind of honey it is, it only matters that it is natural.

Honey as first aid for cuts and scrapes - Pixabay
Honey as first aid for cuts and scrapes - Pixabay

At the end, when we take off the gauze, after about half an hour, we can also lick the place, cleanly so as not to waste honey, and it's sweet 🙂 Little joke, of course. The honey can be washed off with lukewarm water and the procedure repeated once more during the day, if necessary.

This is especially effective for those paper cuts, which are invisible and very painful.


Marijana Primc Anastasijevic

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