Mini snacks with corn - Suzana Mitić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Mini snacks with corn - Suzana Mitić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Mini snacks with corn - Suzana Mitić

Mini snacks with corn - decorative and very tasty. It is quick to make but also quick to eat.

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Mini snacks with corn - Suzana Mitić

mini bites with corn Suzana Mitic png

  • It is necessary for the mass:
  • 4 cups of yogurt
  • 400 g of mayonnaise
  • a bit of salt
  • some oregano
  • You also need:
  • 50 g of gelatin
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 sargareps
  • 4 pickles
  • 100 g of sweet corn
  • 250 g of ham
  1. Peel the carrots and eggs and cut them into cubes.
  2. Cut cucumbers and onions into cubes and combine with corn.
  3. Put two yogurts and mayonnaise at the end of the stove to heat it up. Meanwhile, stir the gelatin with a little hot water.
  4. Add two more yogurts, add salt and oregano.
  5. Add corn, eggs, ham, carrots, and cucumbers. Knead lightly and pour the mixture into appropriate molds or baskets.
  6. Take care that the mass does not boil.
  7. Leave in a cool place to set.