BKTV news - Moscow has the best cuisine in Europe - Wikipedia
BKTV news - Moscow has the best cuisine in Europe - Wikipedia

[BKTV news]

Although it was banned from importing certain food products from the USA, Europe and Turkey, that did not prevent Moscow from having the best cuisine in Europe, reports the American weekly magazine "Newsweek".

Russian cuisine, mainly due to the ban on food imports, is experiencing an "unbelievable, wonderful renaissance," according to Newsweek magazine.

Under such circumstances, the restaurants of the Russian capital turned to a direction popular in many parts of the world — preparing only home-made food.

"It's a very simple and beautiful idea — the land you live in is the land that feeds you", says the experienced chef of two famous restaurants in France, Jerome Romer, who recently showed his culinary skills in the newly opened restaurant in Kropotkinskaya, Moscow, for that magazine.

BKTV news - Moscow has the best cuisine in Europe - Wikipedia
BKTV news - Moscow has the best cuisine in Europe - Wikipedia

He adds that he is Moscow an extremely exciting place to work. The chefs are innovative, ready to make something out of nothing, and everyone is fed up with fast western food being "pushed" to them. Romer claims that Russian cuisine is particularly diverse in vegetarianism, which was largely contributed by Orthodox Christianity with long fasts. Special mention is made of fried parsnips, and black and white carrots in carrot sauce, as well as cauliflower puree.

The ingredients come from all over Russia, including the Far East, where clams and octopuses caught in the Sea of ​​Japan and processed in Vladivostok arrive.

In 2008, the famous Russian chef Boris Akimov teamed up with farmers across Russia and founded a cooperative, offering his customers specialties such as Russian gouda, several varieties of dried and marinated mushrooms, as well as Siberian reindeer dumplings and Arctic berry sweets.

"We try to offer dishes from all over Russia," said the spokeswoman for the cooperative and the restaurant Borisa Akimov, explaining that they want to celebrate different and forgotten regions of Russia and bring them to Moscow.

"Thanks to us, people can taste food from various parts of Russia and thus find out what is eaten in their country, and it is eaten well!"

Source: www.bktvnews.com, the latest news from the country and the world, click HERE to see the full text >>>

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