Chocolate cake with rose crust - Sladjanja Šćekić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Chocolate cake with rose crust - Sladjanja Šćekić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Best Recipe of the 2th week of November 2014. is: Chocolate cake with rosen crust - Sladjana Šćekić

Recipe ranking for the 2th week of November 2014:

The number of visits to all published recipes on the website for the second week of November 2014 (when viewed on November 18.11.2014, XNUMX):

1Chocolate cake with rose crust - Slađana Šćekić331
2Wafers with peanuts - Zuzana Grnja191
3Unusual moussaka - Ivana Pešić119
4Roll with meat and eggs - Zuzana Grnja91
5Strudel with chocolate and jam - Slađana Šćekić91
6Rosen cake with pumpkin - Zuzana Grnja89
7Bags with walnuts - Zuzana Grnja82
8Peanut-honey pralines - Slađana Šćekić82
9Sticks with cheese - Zuzana Grnja78
10Chicken a la dibari - Ivana Pešić73
11Salad with tuna - Ivana Pešić64
12Dessert with raspberries - Zuzana Grnja63
13Spinach cubes - Ivana Pešić56
14Broccoli with bacon - Zuzana Grnja55
15Princess donuts with whipped cream and strawberries - Zuzana Grnja51
16Pica cvet - Ivana Pešić45
17Plum cake - Zuzana Grnja44
18Cabbage salad with homemade kulen - Zuzana Grnja44
19Cakes with prunes and honey - Marija Mirković42
20Colorful salad - Sandra Avtovska37
21Stuffed muffins - Ivana Pešić36
22Gibanica from broken bark - Kristina Gašpar32
23Sarmice with meat and cream - Zuzana Grnja28
24Omelette and sausage rolls - Marija Mirković22
25Lentils with paprika - Kristina Gašpar15

Chocolate cake with a rose crust - Slađana Szekgo

Chocolate cake with rosen crust - the cake is beautiful and ready very quickly...which suits every housewife!

Chocolate cake with rose crust - Sladjanja Šćekić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Chocolate cake with a rosen crust - Sladjanja Šćekić - Recipes and Cookbook online


  • packaging rose cover
  • 4 chocolate puddings
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 12 spoons of sugar (steamed) add 200 g of chocolate
  • 250 g of margarine
  • 150 g of ground and toasted hazelnuts
  • 100 g of chocolate
  • 4 tablespoons of oil


Step 1

When the chocolate has melted, add 250 grams of margarine or butter (to the boiling water) and 150 grams of ground and toasted hazelnuts.

Step 2

Mix the cooled filling well.

Step 3

Fill the crust - melt 100 g of chocolate with 4 tablespoons of oil on top and pour over the cake.

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