Win the award for the best recipe of 2014! - Recipes & Cookbook | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today? 1
Awards for recipe of the year - Recipes and Cookbook online

The competition for the best recipe of the year is underway. From now on you can track online the exact positions and the exact number of votes/views for the first 8 recipes.


Visit our site From the main menu select “Recipes” and you will get a list of recipes. Scroll down, and all the way down, in the right corner of the screen, an image like this will appear:


It is a programmed widget that displays the first 8 most visited and viewed recipes in our database.

It's still not too late - you can send your recipe and participate in the competition and win one of the valuable prizes. The best example is the recipe Đuveč with drumsticks, which in just 20 days has collected more than 2.400 visits.!

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