How were green beans prepared at the beginning of the 20th century? Green Bean Recipe from 1908 - Pixabay
How were green beans prepared at the beginning of the 20th century? Green Bean Recipe from 1908 - Pixabay

The best traditional recipe of domestic Serbian cuisine for March 2017 is a vintage green bean recipe from 1908.

With a total of 537 views during the month of March 2017, the most colorful traditional recipe of the month is an old-fashioned recipe for green beans:

How were green beans prepared at the beginning of the 20th century? A recipe for green beans from 1908.

Even at that time, green beans were one of the most popular dishes and were prepared both lean and fatty.

How were green beans prepared at the beginning of the 20th century? Green Bean Recipe from 1908 - Pixabay
How were green beans prepared at the beginning of the 20th century? 1908 Green Bean Recipe - Pixabay

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