Don't overdo it: how many eggs can we eat per day - Pixabay
Don't overdo it: how many eggs can we eat per day - Pixabay

If you ever wondered how many eggs per day you can eat, finally the experts have an answer to that!

Middle-aged men who eat seven or more eggs a week are at a higher risk of dying early than their peers who don't, and diabetics who eat even one egg a week are at a higher risk of death, according to a 20-year American study.

Dr. Luke Juss and Dr. Michael Gazziano from Harvard University Medical School, state that men who do not suffer from diabetes can eat up to six eggs per week and not increase the risk of premature death.

The Harvard team studied the health reports of 21.327 American doctors, who participated in a large-scale study on the health of medical workers. The doctors were monitored for twenty years, starting in 1981, during which time they provided regular updates on their health and lifestyle.


Over the course of two decades, 1.550 subjects experienced a heart attack, 1.342 had a stroke, and more than 5.000 of them died in total.

Don't overdo it: how many eggs can we eat per day - Pixabay
Don't overdo it: how many eggs can we eat per day - Pixabay

It was found that those who ate seven or more eggs per week were at a 23 percent higher risk of dying during that twenty-year period, and diabetics who ate even one egg were at twice the risk of dying from any cause, especially from a heart attack or shloga.

Eggs are rich in cholesterol which, when consumed in large quantities, can cause hardening of the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

But Dr. Robert Eckel of the University of Colorado, a former president of the American Heart Association, says eggs are like any other food—neither good nor bad.

Therefore, eggs should not be completely eliminated from the diet. Eggs are excellent against stress, because they supply the body with proteins, they are also good for immunity, because they are one of the few foods that provide the body with vitamin D.


Also, one egg per day covers 26 percent of the body's needs for folic acid. It stimulates brain functions, strengthens eyesight, slows down aging and strengthens sexuality. People who do not have health problems can consume eggs without worry, while people with elevated cholesterol levels should consult a doctor.

Source: BKTV news

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