A new ingredient for an old candy - BKTVnews.com - printscreen
A new ingredient for an old candy - BKTVnews.com - printscreen

A real delicacy on autumn days is the sweetest when eaten in one of the cafes while the rain hits the window, and the colorful leaves evoke nostalgic feelings. What is the new ingredient for the old sweet - chestnut puree?

Who loves chestnuts, never refuses chestnut puree. However, this time, don't opt ​​for the store-bought or the one from the coffee shop, but go to the market and get a bag of chestnuts on the way, and then prepare it yourself in the warmth of your home. Do it your way and it will be much tastier. In just a few steps and in about 10 minutes, you will have a dessert that you will adore!

Chestnut puree, ingredients:

- 30 chestnuts (about 550g) - 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar (or any other of your choice) - 160g of coconut cream - 1/3 cup of water

Chestnut puree, preparation:

Chop the chestnuts and place them in a bowl. Pour enough cold water to cover them, then put them on medium heat. Cook them for about 35 minutes. They will be ready when they are no longer hard to the touch and you can easily open them.

Peel them, but be careful not to burn yourself. However, it is much easier to do while they are warm. Later it will be impossible.

Transfer the chestnuts to a blender and blend them together with the sugar. Thin the thick mixture with water until you get a creamy mixture.


Take out the mixture in a bowl and add the coconut cream. Mix well until everything is combined.

Chill it in the fridge and add coconut cream on top.

Enjoy the autumn candy and enjoy!

Source: BKTVNews, Katarina Mihajlović

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