Refreshing drink - Kristina Gašpar - Recipes and Cookbook online
Refreshing drink - Kristina Gašpar - Recipes and Cookbook online

Refreshing drink - Kristina Gašpar

A refreshing drink - refreshment for summer days...

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Refreshing drink - Kristina Gašpar

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Refreshing drink - refreshment for summer days...

  • 1 lemon with peel; (unsprayed)
  • 1 small root of ginger;
  • 1,5 l of filtered water;
  • 1 gooseberry
  • as desired and to taste
  1. Cut the lemon and ginger (peeled) into smaller pieces.
  2. Put in a pitcher and cover with water.
  3. Leave the drink to "overnight" in the refrigerator.
  4. When serving, add berries, ice cubes and honey to taste.