Win the award for the best recipe of 2014! - Recipes & Cookbook | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today? 2
Award for the best recipe of the year - Recipes and Kuvar online

Recipes & Cookbook online awards the three best recipes of 2014! Submit your best recipe for this contest, and win one of the valuable prizes for the best recipe of 2014!

Awards for recipe of the year - Recipes and Cookbook online
Recipe of the Year Awards - Recipes and Cookbook Online

Awards for the best recipe of the year:

  1. place - multipractice; web hosting and international .com domain, free of charge, for 12 months (sponsor: Web Hosting LPC); shallow pan *Karim 20 cm (sponsor Metalac dishes)
  2. place - blender,
  3. place - juicer.

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They participate in the competition for prizes all YOUR recipes (contributor chef recipes), which you publish through our website mandatory registration, before that.

So, in competition recipes published by the Recipes & Cookbook online team will not participate.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. number of views on

Recipes copied from other sites will not count towards prizes. Prizes are delivered by mail.

So, keyboard and computers in hands and submit your best recipesAnd tell all your friends to review your recipes and vote for you!

Your Recipes and Cookbook online

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If you are interested in all our recipes, click on the link: RECIPES. Collections of the best recipes of our collaborators can be found in the cook section, if you want to read more, click on the link: COOK. If you want to see our front page, click on the link: RECIPES AND COOK ONLINE homepage. If you want to view all texts from the News category, click on the link: NEWS.

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