Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - since the winter fruit season is relatively organized with choices, and citrus fruits are introduced only later, you can freely combine cereals with fruits for variety and for dinner.

Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Oatmeal with pear and cinnamon - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

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Oatmeal with Pear and Cinnamon - since the winter fruit season is relatively organized with choices, and citrus fruits are not introduced until later, feel free to combine cereals with fruits for variety and for dinner.

  • 50 g of oatmeal
  • 1 piece of pear (finely grated)
  • cinnamon
  1. Cook oatmeal in water with a little cinnamon for about 10 minutes, you should get a slightly thinner porridge, because it will thicken further as it cools and absorbs more water.
  2. Peel and grate the pear. Mix with oatmeal.
  3. Wait for it to cool down and give it to the baby. Be sure to check the temperature before the baby starts eating.

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