Persimmon benefits for baby - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Persimmon benefits for baby - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

persimmon originally comes from China and Korea. It is believed that this fruit reached California around 1800. This fruit is packed with vitamin C. Just one fruit contains almost 17mg of vitamin C. It helps babies absorb iron. In our country, this fruit is often called a Japanese apple for some reason unknown to me.

Two persimmons contain almost 33 mg of vitamin C, and are also rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

When should persimmons be introduced into the baby's diet?

persimmon you can introduce the baby in between 8-10 months of life. It is not known that they are high risk and can cause allergic reactions, but that is why they are tasty and easy to prepare. As always, consult your pediatrician before introducing any food.

How to choose and prepare persimmon?

Persimmon is not a fruit that gets sprayed a lot, so the choice to buy organic is entirely up to you.

Persimmon benefits for baby - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Persimmon benefits for baby - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

There are two types of persimmons. Hachiya which is a bit bigger and red-orange in color and Fuyu which is orange-yellow in color. This is mostly a winter fruit, so at a time when the choice is narrowed, it is an excellent addition to your babies. Hachiya can be bitter if not fully ripe, as it is often harvested green to ripen during transport. You can put them in a pepper bag at room temperature for a few days. When peeled it is very gooey, like jelly.

Fuyu, on the other hand, is orange-yellow in color and firm in texture when ripe. This type can be stored for about 3 weeks and as time goes on they may get sweeter, but if they become gooey throw them away.

How is persimmon prepared?

Hachiya is served as a porridge, usually mixed with other foods. The shell on a persimmon is very thin, so it is usually not necessary to peel it, although for the sake of babies I always recommend that all fruit be peeled. You can steam it or blend it raw.

Fuyu is eaten like an apple or a peach, there is no need to steam or cook it. But if you want, you can strain it and then make a porridge.

Food that goes well with persimmons?

  • banana
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Chicken
  • Yogurt

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