BKTV news - Five of the best meals you can eat after a workout - Pixabay
BKTV news - Five of the best meals you can eat after a workout - Pixabay

[BKTV news]

The difference between an average and advanced exerciser can often be explained by diet. And this is it the five best meals you can eat after a workout…

Athletes who train regularly know very well how important the choice of food they will eat after training is, but most active people still do not attach much importance to it.

However, if you want the best results, you should stick to certain foods that will recover your body after exercise.

1. Beetroot

This unusual vegetable has a red pigment, which is an excellent antioxidant, helps with the transfer of oxygen to the muscles and relieves cramps. It is useful regardless of the method of preparation.

2. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, so they are considered one of the best post-workout meals. Proteins from the egg white help muscle recovery, and the yolk gives you the necessary energy.

3. Greek yogurt

In just under 2 deciliters of Greek yogurt, there are 14 grams of protein and only 100 calories. With fresh fruit, it becomes an ideal choice for a post-workout meal.

4. Watermelon

On warmer days, most people enjoy these delicious and refreshing fruits that rehydrate the body and provide it with much-needed nutrients. 92 percent of watermelon is water, and a two-cup serving has only 80 kcal.

BKTV news - Five of the best meals you can eat after a workout - Pixabay
BKTV news - Five of the best meals you can eat after a workout - Pixabay

5. Turkey

Turkey is an excellent source of protein that your body needs for recovery after a workout. The amount of protein you need varies from person to person, but on days you do cardio, such as running, you need about 1,2 to 1,4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, while on days you exercise power required from 1,6 to 1,7 grams per kilogram of body weight.

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