BKTVnews - Watch how to peel an orange the Russian way (VIDEO) - Youtube
BKTVnews - Watch how to peel an orange the Russian way (VIDEO) - Youtube

[BKTV news]

In the winter period, when flu and colds are most prevalent, oranges are one of the best sources of vitamins.

It is best to eat them fresh, because they are rich in vitamins and phytomaterials.

BKTVnews - Watch how to peel an orange the Russian way (VIDEO) - Youtube
BKTVnews - Watch how to peel an orange the Russian way (VIDEO) - Youtube

But, the problem arises when we need to peel the orange, because some have a harder peel, which is more difficult to remove. In a video he posted on YouTube, this Russian showed how to do it in an easy way in an hour peel the orange and you enjoy eating it.

Check out this interesting and simple technique.

Source: www.bktvnews.com

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