Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić
Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić

In Politikina Magazin number 958 of 07.02.2016. we answer 10 questions from the Editorial Board, with the topic: Is there any profit from the blog? Whoever was present, or just read the report from the announcement of the best recipes in 2015, knows that the main theme of the event was the same: Can you make money from a (cooking) blog?

Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić
Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić

A blog is one of the most popular forms on the Internet, there are about 500.000 bloggers in Serbia alone. Anyone who has a computer, and in our country 64,4 percent of households own one, can learn to blog, and what makes it tempting are advertisements in the style of "Ten ways to make money quickly and easily", in which the obligatory item is: " Open a blog”. Data, however, show that only one percent of bloggers have a satisfactory financial benefit from this work. Miodrag Ilić, director of the company "Linkom-PC", explained to us what needs to be done in order to make a solid profit.

Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić
Is there any income from blogging? - Politics Magazine - Miodrag Ilić

Many would like to cook

"Culinary blogs are among the most popular on the Internet, in the region and in the whole world. Popularity "dictates" the number of visits, which are constantly increasing.

- Probably everyone who thinks they cook well has at least once wanted to start their own cooking blog. Seems pretty simple, right? You need to know how to cook, to have a computer and a camera or mobile phone that can take photos. Of course, there is also the "Blogger" platform, which everyone likes because it is completely free - notes Ilić."

Slavica Berić, Politics Magazine

Anyone can start a blog and hope to be successful, but only a few succeed. What is the secret of success and does it even exist, read the entire text in the Magazine.

Source: Politika Magazin, number 958 of February 07.02.2016, XNUMX.

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