Lean polenta with walnuts - Kristina Gašpar - Recipes and Cookbook online
Lean polenta with walnuts - Kristina Gašpar - Recipes and Cookbook online

Lean polenta with walnuts - Kristina Gašpar

Lean polenta with walnuts - polenta prepared this way can become greasy if you add a spoonful of Parmesan cheese.

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Lean polenta with walnuts - Kristina Gašpar

lean polenta with walnuts Kristina Gaspar recipes and cookbook online

  • 1/2 cup polenta
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 spoons of ground walnuts
  • spices to taste: salt (pepper, ground allspice, crushed hot pepper, garlic powder, coriander.)

Side dish (any amount):

  • olives of choice
  • the edible part of the pomegranate
  • whole walnuts
  • primrose leaf
  1. Bring the water to a boil, then cook the polenta - according to the instructions on the bag. Season to taste and add ground walnuts. Pour the polenta into the molds (if desired).
  2. When it cools down, take it out of the molds and put it on a plate. Add olives, walnuts, pomegranate and parsley leaves.