Raspberry juice - Recipes and Cookbook online
Raspberry juice - Image courtesy of [by Praisaeng] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net - Recipes and Cookbook online

Raspberry juice, tasty and healthy

Raspberry juice should be part of your daily diet, and it should contain a balanced intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable juices that we consume should be as little processed as possible, i.e. just processed in a blender, without any additives. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables, among other things, according to the latest research, help with preventive cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer. Consuming raspberry juice contributes to the intake of nutrients in the body, due to its vitamin and mineral content.

Raspberry juice - Recipes and Cookbook online - Zdrav život
Raspberry juice - Recipes and Cookbook online - Healthy life


Raspberry juice is very tasty, per se, but, you can always try yes combine flavors - processing in a blender with fresh tomatoes, fresh mint, as well as other fruits and vegetables. Also, you can combine fresh raspberry juice with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (aceto balsamico), as a salad dressing. Although it contains a lot of nutrients, raspberries do not contain a lot of dietary fiber. For a balanced and healthy diet, it is necessary, due to its nutritional values, combine it with other fruits and vegetables.

Pure, undiluted raspberry juice it contains a low level of fat and few calories. It contains high level of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, calcium,... Consuming pressed or processed juice from fresh raspberries is a good way to increase the body's immunity.

Look recipe for raspberry juice mix (raspberry, chard, peach, pineapple, fresh mint, orange juice).

Read more:

Juice recipes >>>

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