Premium traditional range of mangulica in Metro - photo by Metro Cash & Carry
Premium traditional range of mangulica in Metro - photo by Metro Cash & Carry

[Media Release, Metro Cash & Carry]

Exclusive traditional offer only in METRO

Belgrade, November 13, 2015 - METRO Cash & Carry is the only wholesale chain that now has in its offer premium traditional range from the most respected producers from our region.

In the METRO distribution centers in Belgrade and Novi Sad, you can find a wide variety of mango meat products. These meat products are considered very healthy due to their low-calorie properties. Although it contains fewer calories, mangulica meat is equally suitable for preparing all traditional products such as ham, prosciutto, sausages and kulen, which can be found in one place only in METRO.

Mango spread, with a spicy taste and texture of pate with a certain amount of crunch, is ideal for preparing bruschetta and various delicious appetizers. What mangulica kulen what sets it apart from other industrial kulen is the dominant taste of pure meat, while spices are felt in traces, but with the right amount of piquancy. In addition to these mangulica items, METRO also selects Srem sausages, snack sticks, cracklings, dry neck and pork loin.

Premium traditional range of mangulica in Metro - photo by Metro Cash & Carry
Premium traditional mango assortment at Metro - photo by Metro Cash & Carry

METRO Cash & Carry strives to be the best business partner for its customers and will continue to enrich and expand its range in accordance with their needs. In METRO distribution centers, the purchase of necessary items in one place is ensured, with attractive wholesale prices.

Source: Press release, Metro Cash & Carry

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