Prevented bread vegetarian and meat version - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Prevented bread vegetarian and meat version - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Prevented bread vegetarian and meat variant – a quick and tasty treat for breakfast.

Prevented bread vegetarian and meat version - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Preprečeni hleb vegetarian and meat version - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Preprečeni hleb vegetarian and meat version - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

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Vegetarian and meat-based bread - a quick and tasty treat for breakfast.

  • 2 slices of bread (or one small loaf cut in half)
  • mozzarella
  • mushrooms
  • olives (finely chopped)
  • p
  • sausage
  • tomato
  • tomato sauce
  • olive oil
  • parsley
  • beaver
  • garlic
  • Origan
  1. Cut the smaller bread into two equal halves and turn the crust side down.
  2. Coat with olive oil, then add oregano, a little tomato sauce and arrange the ingredients as desired. Add the vegetarian to one and the non-vegetarian to the other, just add the sausage cut into rings on top. You can fill with what you have at home according to your tastes.
    On the vegetarian side, instead of tomato sauce, you can add olive oil and garlic, then add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Then place in the oven and bake for 5-10 minutes until the mozzarella melts.
  4. Serve warm.
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