Tell water you are healthy and you will be healthy - Pixabay
Tell water you are healthy and you will be healthy - Pixabay

Tell the water that you are healthy and you will be healthy. Tell her you're stupid and you'll be stupid. Whatever you say to it, the water will remember and so it will be.

And if you consider the fact that you are made of water, that you are one big sponge soaked in water, you will understand how important the amazing ability of its molecules to remember is. And, depending on the quality of the water you have in you and with which you are surrounded, the quality of your life will depend.

These are relatively new findings for modern science. Only with the advent of microscopes and cameras was there proof of the "size" of water and its power. Back in the twenties of the last century, a group of scientists claimed that water is "alive", that it has its own life and death and that, if it is treated improperly, it can become ill and transmit its diseased state to all living beings. Today, everyone can see with their own eyes what kind of transformation water molecules experience if they "listen" to Mozart or heavy metal, if they "spend" some time next to a newborn baby or a seriously ill patient. And what a change they will experience if you say "thank you" or "I'll kill you"!

It's time to change your relationship with water. It's time to accept the fact that the quality of your life depends on your access to water, your words and thoughts. And, the latest major research by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who dealt with various external influences on water - from pollution to words, thoughts, music, and even prayer - will help you in this. He also published the books Messages Hidden in Water and The True Power of Water.

In the research part of the glass with distilled, untreated water, he played different music for several hours. After freezing the molecules, he and his team took photographs and noticed incredible changes.

Tell water you are healthy and you will be healthy - Pixabay
Tell water you are healthy and you will be healthy - Pixabay

Water molecules that were "treated" by classical music changed their shape and transformed into perfectly shaped crystals with beautiful baroque decorations, perfect proportions, while the influence of heavy metal music created a form without proportions from the molecules, almost unpleasant to look at.

He went further in his research with the desire to examine the influence of words and thoughts on water. This is what the final results looked like.

Masaru Emoto himself, as well as other scientists who brought physical evidence that water remembers, conclude that "The life you live and the world you live in depend only on you! If you think and speak words of love and gratitude, such situations will find you. If you spread pessimism, fear, dissatisfaction or sadness, so will your environment."


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