Rustic upside-down cherry cake - Aleksandra Gorek - Recipes and Cookbook online

Rustic Cherry Upside Down Cake. It's raining again... and soon after that the sun comes out again and the temperature changes quickly, just as if we were in the hills. This strange summer is indecisive and can't begin. The light gray sky is full of motionless clouds, they do not travel as usual, because there is not even a breath of wind. There is only a gentle breeze that cools the steam-filled air. I reheated the oven, today is the right day for that, and I'm dreaming of a cake that is rustic enough, just like the mountains and slightly gray in color!

Rustic Cherry Upside Down Cake, Ingredients (for 18 cm diameter cake)


  • 2 handfuls of pitted cherries
  • 2 to the top of a full tablespoon of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon brown cane sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Cook the cherries and granulated sugar over low heat until the fruit is soft. The fruit must remain whole. Then add lemon juice and brown cane sugar and continue cooking over low heat until the juice thickens into a thick syrup.


  • 100 g of soft flour
  • 50 g of buckwheat flour
  • 85 g of butter
  • 2 small eggs (or 1 whole egg and one yolk)
  • 100 g of sugar
  • ¼ bag of baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream

Tip: both in the filling and in the dough, you can completely replace the granulated sugar with brown cane sugar.

Rustic upside-down cherry cake, preparation (for a cake with a diameter of 18 cm)

  • Heat the oven to 180°C
  • Mix both flours and baking powder.
  • Mix softened butter with sugar to get a foamy cream.
  • Add one egg at a time to the butter cream.
  • Then add half the amount of flour to the egg mixture and mix well with a mixer. Add the sour cream and the rest of the flour and continue mixing until you get a uniform mixture.
  • Cover the cake pan with greaseproof baking paper or grease it with butter and flour it. Sprinkle and neatly distribute the cherry filling on the bottom, then pour the biscuit mixture over the fruit.
  • Bake the cake in a preheated oven for about 50 minutes (baking time depends on the oven!). Check if the cake is ready by sticking a skewer stick in it for a short time, take it out and if it remains dry, the cake is ready, and usually the cake is ready when the smell of baked cake starts to spread from the oven!
  • Invert the hot cake onto a serving plate and sprinkle some vanilla flavored icing sugar over the cherries.


Rustic upside-down cherry cake - Aleksandra Gorek - Recipes and Cookbook online
Rustic upside-down cherry cake - Aleksandra Gorek - Recipes and Cookbook online


Torta rustica di amarene rovesciata – Rustic cherry upside down cake

E di nuovo piove... poco dopo esce il sole, la temperatura oscilla, mi sembra di essere in montagna. Questa strana estate non si decide a decollare. Il grigio chiaro del cielo è pieno di nuvole ma oggi sembrano immobili, non si muovono, non si spostano, non c'è il vento. Solo una leggera brezza che refreshca l'aria satura di afa. Ho riacceso il forno, oggi si può fare, ho pensato a una torta adatta alla giornata. Rustica, montanara e un po' grigia.


(per la tortiera del diametro di 18 cm)


  • 2 manciate di amarene denocciolate
  • 2 cucchia colmi di zucchero semolato
  • 1 spoon of brown sugar
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice

In un pentolino cuocere la frutta con lo zucchero semolato fino a che non diventa morbida. Le amarene devon rimanere intere. Appender il succo di limone e lo zucchero di canna e fare reprindere il liquido in uno sciroppo denso.


  • 100 gr of flour "00"
  • 50 gr of farina di grano Saraceno
  • 85 g butter
  • 2 small eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • ¼ di bustina di lievito in polvere
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream

Consiglio di usare soltanto lo zucchero di canna sia per il topping sia per l'impasto.

Mischiare le due farine con il lievito in polvere e mettere da parte. Montare il burro ammorbidito con lo zucchero e quando il composto diventa spumoso aggiente le uova uno alla volta (io ho usato un uovo intero e un tuorlo perché le uova erano grandi). A questo punto aggirante metà della farina ed amalgamare bene l'impasto. Appender la panna acid e la farina rimasta e finire di incorporare tutto.

Rivestire la teglia di carta forno oppure ungerla e infarinarla. Sul fondo della teglia distributere il topping di amarene e sopra di esso versare l'impasto. Cook in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 50 minutes. La durata della cottura dipende dal forno. Solitamente la torta è pronta quando dal forno fuoriesce il profumo del dolce cotto.
Spolverare leggermente di zucchero a velo vanigliato la superficie della torta.

Rustic upside-down cherry cake - Aleksandra Gorek - Recipes and Cookbook online
Rustic upside-down cherry cake - Aleksandra Gorek - Recipes and Cookbook online

Source: Aleksandra Gorek, blog Vanilla&Staubzucker, who owns the copyright. All copyrights reserved, All rights reserved

Prepared by Miodrag Ilić for the Recipes and cookbook online portal.

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