Tips for healthier eating during isolation
Tips for healthier eating during isolation

We have become very aware of the danger that it is Covid-19 distributed to the human race and the planet. However, as we are now forced to protect and take care of each other from the comfort of our homes (which, you will admit, is not so bad) - a new "danger" crept right into our houses - danger of overeating.

As the ideas to fill the time run out, many turn to the kitchen, preparing high-calorie dishes that fill our bellies every day, while they get bigger and bigger, and until summer and potential do not meet the end of the pandemic with at least 10 kg extra.

You don't want that, do you?

Well, it's up to you whether you want to focus your will on controlling your urge to eat or little by little - use the time of self-isolation to change your eating habits forever.

1. Use dishes that do not require a lot of "lubrication"

The less oil or fat you use to "grease" trays, pots and other dishes - the food will have a lower caloric value, that is, you will get a dish with a lower percentage of fat which would end up on the stomach, hips and thighs - because now we don't have the opportunity to get rid of the excess through training.

Choose dishes that don't require a lot of oil, like a grill pan or even hot air fryer, where you only need a teaspoon of oil or even none to enjoy your favorite, crispy and healthy French fries or fried meat.

2. Choose healthier foods at the grocery store

It's easier to hold back for 20 minutes at the store, than the whole day at home!

If you have "something sweet" in your home, you will 100% eat it - sometimes out of boredom, sometimes out of habit. Therefore, it is better not to put things like various salty snacks, creams, plasma, etc. on the shopping list.

Another smart way to make your shopping as efficient as possible is to make a list. Check what is missing in your fridge and pantry, let it be at the beginning of your list! Too, the list should be dedicated to healthy foods.

Tips for healthier eating during isolation
Tips for healthier eating during isolation

a. The protein base of the meal

Now that we are inactive, we need proteins in order to maintain our current form, but also so that we don't gain weight. If you eat meat - 120g of meat is quite enough for a 60-kilogram person.

So, one of the factors on the list are proteins, namely proteins from meat as the best way to supply the body with the type of protein that really makes the body stronger and more resilient. Proteins make us feel fuller for longer and prevent those "small" mistakes of reaching for snacks. Apart from meat, a good source of protein is also eggs, dairy products, mushrooms, beans, oats....

b. Keep your energy up with healthy carbohydrates

A drop in energy is a completely normal phenomenon when sitting at home all day. We are often sleepy, hungry and irritable. But all that can be easily prevented by incorporation healthy and easily digestible carbohydrates which are an excellent accompaniment to the aforementioned meat proteins.

Feel free to put a bag of oatmeal, rye, oats, rice on the list, but also some types of toast or bread if you are a fan of them. Carbohydrates can also be found in peas and other root and legume vegetables, therefore - first research and then procurement.

Tips for healthier eating during isolation
Tips for healthier eating during isolation

c. Healthy fats rather than "lots of fat"

As we have already mentioned, try to stay away from fatty, high-calorie meals which can have the same outcome as a bunch of chocolates and biscuits. Instead, eat meals boiled, stewed or grilled in just a little oil, namely olive, pumpkin or grape seed oil.

3. Get busy preparing healthy meals

If you have already decided to stop at the stove and pass the time by cooking, make sure that the dish you prepare is a healthier version of what you made yesterday. With a little effort and changes in the shopping cart, it's really not difficult to achieve.

We will, at the beginning, help you see how little time and effort is required to make a tasty but healthy meal for yourself and those you share isolation with. It is known that health enters the mouth, however, it does not have to happen if we are persistent in the fact that we are not introducing anything really healthy into the same mouth.

Try our juicy white meat burgers (several ways)

For preparing and baking juicy patties from chicken fillet you will spend only 20 minutes. You will need a powerful blender (Chicken file there is no mince, but if you want to use packaged mince, that's fine, just keep in mind that it will be slightly fattier).

Add one egg white, one smaller, chopped onion, vegetables, pepper (whatever you like) to about 300g of finely chopped fillet and put it in a blender. All grind until a paste-like mass is formed.

Remove patties with a spoon and fry in a pan with very little oil. One day you can add a little bit to the mixture cheese, mixed vegetables, bell pepper, broccoli, spinach - and every time you will have a different lunch, and when you get tired of chicken - replace it with beef, and there you have it, healthy Leskovac ushtipaks.

4. Be very careful with fruit

Although there is a common opinion that fruit can be a meal replacement, that's not true at all. In order for the organism to function, it needs a certain amount of protein (from whatever source) - which is not present in fruit, or is present in negligible traces.

What is in fruit are sugars. If we eat a banana instead of breakfast (or add it to our meal), we only achieve that the sugar from it closes the receptors in the intestines that serve to digest and break down the quality that we have ingested. Because it can also lead to constipation, bloating, gas...

Although there are high-quality minerals in the fruit, sugars are the main culprits in the fact that they are not adequately used in our body, and are thrown away through other metabolic processes as an excess.

The best choice of minerals is vegetables, and if you really can't do without fruits - refresh yourself with types that have a lower percentage of fructose, such as raspberry blackberry, blueberry, blueberry - but they must not be a substitute for a meal, because this only slows down your metabolism and makes you gain weight.

We hope that we have contributed at least a little to improving the picture of your condition shopping list which you will put into operation already tomorrow. Be careful, take care of yourself and others, and let the first results show already in the kitchen because on that "battlefield" you have all the advantage in the world!


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