Sweet vegetable porridge - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Sweet vegetable porridge - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Sweet vegetable porridge - there are tons of baby porridge combinations, and here's another idea that your little ones will probably love.

Sweet vegetable porridge - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Sweet vegetable porridge - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

Sweet vegetable porridge - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online


Sweet Vegetable Porridge - There are plenty of baby porridge combinations, and here's another idea that your little ones will probably love.

  • 0,5 pcs sweet red potatoes (diced)
  • 1 zucchini (diced)
  • 10 peas
  • 1 carrot (diced)
  • 0,25 pcs of white potatoes (cut into cubes)
  1. Peel the sweet and white potatoes, the carrots and cut them into cubes and put them to cook together with the peas.
  2. Peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes and add it after 5 minutes of cooking the other ingredients.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes. Check with a fork whether the vegetables are cooked.
  4. Put in a blender and blend for about 2 minutes until you get a slurry.
  5. Leave for about 5 minutes for the porridge to cool down. Be sure to check the temperature before serving.

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