Baking soda - cure for cancer or delusion? - Pixabay
Baking soda - cure for cancer or delusion? - Pixabay

Baking Soda - Cure for Cancer or Delusion? Or does the pharmaceutical mafia not allow it, or is it a fraud on the gullible? What do you think?

The Italian doctor, Tulio Simoncini, claims that one of the most serious diseases today, cancer, can be treated with baking soda. According to him, it should be treated as a fungus and not as a cellular disorder, as conventional medicine claims.

Let's remember what Dr. Tulio Simoncini says:

Candida albicans is a fungus that is present in certain amounts in each of us. Candida grows in the intestinal flora of all people and is an integral part of it. This fungus also lives in the mouth, throat and genitals of most people. A healthy person's body keeps Candida under control, but if for some reason immunity declines and the fungus multiplies, it can cause serious health problems.

Unfortunately, many factors in our modern life favor the growth of candida. Stress, excessive use of antibiotics, unhealthy diet, contraceptives... - all this affects the growth of candida in the body, which causes numerous problems.

Tulio Simoncini is an Italian doctor and expert in the field of oncology, diabetes and metabolic disorders - he claims that cancer is actually a candida infection, and that the theory of conventional medicine that cancer arises as a result of improper functioning of cells does not hold water.

From the very beginning of his medical career, this doctor saw that there was something seriously wrong with the conventional way of treating cancer:

- I saw unbearable suffering all around me. Children were dying in hospital oncology rooms. I suffered when I looked at poor children who were dying from the effects of chemotherapy - says Dr. Tulio Simoncini.

However, there are many opponents of his method in the medical world, who claim that the whole thing is a scam and cite many examples of seriously ill patients who have spent a large sum of money on treatment with Dr. Simoncini without results. Some of them gave up conventional therapy and died of cancer, and some are even claimed to have been treated negligently and died as a result of such inadequate treatment.

The Italian doctor goes further and says that his grief and pain have driven him to seek new ways of understanding cancer. He began his research with an open mind, without prejudices and strict assumptions. Simoncini realized that there must be a connection between all types of cancer, regardless of where they are in the body.

While studying cancers, he noticed that all the cancer growths were the same color, white, just like the candida. Having linked the white deposits with candida colonization, Simoncini started further research into this phenomenon. After some time, Simonćini realized that the formation of cancer cells is not a "mistake" in the functioning of the organism, but a protective reaction of the organism to the invasion of candida.

Conventional medicine claims that the further spread of cancer is caused by "malignant" cancer cells that have "escaped" from the original tumor. However, this doctor claims that this is not so. Further spread of cancer is also caused by the true causative agent of the tumor - candida.

Baking soda - cure for cancer or delusion? - Pixabay
Baking Soda - Cure for Cancer or Delusion? - Pixabay

After all, the real cause of cancer, as well as other diseases, is weakened immunity. When the immune system is functioning properly, it immediately solves the problem before the situation gets out of control. In this case, healthy immunity keeps the level of candida in the body under control, preventing its further spread.

Supporters of Dr. Simoncini claim that his method is successful, and attribute all the accusations to the pharmaceutical mafia and their attempt to discredit the Italian doctor, because he threatens their interests. According to their claims, the pharmaceutical industry makes incredible profits from conventional methods of cancer diagnosis and treatment, so they are not at all comfortable with finding a treatment that is really effective. That's why Simončini had numerous affairs, he was even sentenced to three years in prison in 2006, for fraud, after the death of a patient who applied his treatment, and in 2003, he lost his medical license.

When Simoncini realized that cancer was caused by candida, he continued to search for a drug that would effectively kill candida and thus treat cancer. He quickly realized that regular anti-fungal medications don't work, as the candida mutates quickly to defend itself, even feeding off the drug that was meant to kill it.

Instead, Simonćini found something much simpler and better - baking soda. "Yes, good old baking soda is enough to solve this problem," claims this doctor. Unlike other medications, candida cannot adapt to baking soda.

His treatments involve direct injection of baking soda into the cancerous organ, which according to the claims of many who have tried the therapy, really works, even in cases where conventional medicine has declared the impossibility of treatment, while the opponents of this therapy claim that this method is completely ineffective and that the whole matter of fraud for profit.

It is true that conventional medicine has no real solution to this wicked disease and that a lot of money revolves around various treatments for the treatment of cancer, however, is this really a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical mafia led by Dr. Simoncini, or is it actually a fraud on his part? , remains to be seen.

Tulio Simoncini is still active, guest at various cancer conventions and has a Facebook page run from Spain. He has his own website and consults with patients through it. Dr. Simonćina has great support from many people from the world of medicine, while on the other hand there are many who criticize and accuse him.



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