What happens to your body if you give up alcohol? - Pixabay
What happens to your body if you give up alcohol? - Pixabay

Since give up alcohol, the blood cells will be renewed within three months and you will feel much more energetic and healthy. What does alcohol do to our body and how long does it take to recover?

After we stop drinking, the body experiences a revival. Blood and liver cells are renewed, we sleep better and look better. Check out what it looks like when you don't stop drinking…

Drowsiness, headache, throbbing and buzzing in the head are just some of the symptoms of a hangover. If it lasts all day, most will say that they will not drink for a while. But, already a week or a couple of days later, the scenario often repeats itself.

When we drink too much alcohol, the body needs time to clear it from the body. The first thing that occurs is a hangover. What happens to the body when you stop drinking after 24 hours, a week, a month and after three months, Dr. Niall Campbell, an expert in alcohol addiction, revealed to the Daily Mail.

After 24 hours

Within 24 hours of drinking, you will feel sweating or shaking, and in very rare cases seizures are also possible. The body begins to cleanse itself of alcohol, the sugar level will normalize and you will begin to function normally. You will feel better and less depressed.

What happens to your body if you give up alcohol? - Pixabay
What happens to your body if you give up alcohol? - Pixabay

After a week

Alcohol is very bad for sleep. Although it seems that you fall asleep easier with a drink, in the long run it interferes with sleep. It is also a diuretic and encourages the body to get rid of excess fluids through sweating and urine, which can make you wake up terribly thirsty at night. But once you stop drinking, your sleep will improve after a week.

After two weeks

Alcohol irritates the stomach and causes heartburn that won't go away after you stop drinking.

It also contains a lot of hidden calories. For example. a large glass of wine contains 228 calories that you add to your dinner without even knowing it. Once you stop drinking and get some exercise, you'll likely lose weight.

After a month

You will look better, and you will see it most on your skin. Alcohol is very harmful to the skin because it makes it less elastic. If you stop drinking, you will also prevent premature skin aging.

After 4-8 weeks

Your liver will recover and start working better. Its biggest enemy is precisely alcohol. Excessive drinking can lead to a silent disease, the so-called. alcoholic hepatitis. At first, you won't even notice it, but if it turns into cirrhosis, which is a dangerous and long-term disease, the consequences will appear.

Even a few glasses of wine per day of 175 ml for two to three weeks can lead to the development of fatty liver in women. Then the liver turns the glucose into fat. Alcohol affects the way the liver processes fat, and if there is too much of it, the liver cells become "full of fat". If you stop drinking, after a few weeks the liver will begin to reject the excess fat. If the liver is not too damaged, it can recover in as little as four to eight weeks.

After 12 weeks

Constantly drinking alcohol makes the blood cells larger, which makes you feel more tired than usual, since those cells have a harder time delivering oxygen around the body. After you give up alcohol, your blood cells will regenerate within three months and you will feel much more energetic and healthy.

Source: BKTVnews.com

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