What should you eat in the morning? - Pixabay
What should you eat in the morning? - Pixabay

It is common knowledge that the most important meal is breakfast. If you are not a fan of preparing the morning meal and stick to the motto "something is better than nothing", stop for a moment and think about the facts. What should you eat in the morning?

Pastries (sweet and savory)

Everyone likes to stop by the bakery, but it shouldn't be done often. Here's why:

High sugar content in toppings, fillings or in the dough itself leads to an excessive insulin response (more is secreted). Therefore, the currently induced high blood sugar level soon leads to its sudden drop. Such extreme highs and lows in blood sugar levels cause you to feel hungry and crave more highly processed carbohydrates quickly after finishing a meal.

Pastries filled with cream cheese or butter increase the caloric value and content of saturated fats, which increase the risk of developing diabetes 2 and cardiovascular diseases.

Try to replace white pastries (sweet or salty) with pastries that are made from whole grains (integral) and thus reduce the risk of developing diabetes, weakening cardiovascular health and gaining extra pounds.

Fatty meat products

It may sound incredible that someone stops by a fast food kiosk at breakfast time, but it happens. This is another one of the buildings that should be avoided during that period, and here is the explanation:

Meat products, found in various types of baked goods, are full of sodium and saturated fat. If someone has hypertension, it's not the most ideal breakfast, and it won't do any good for healthy people either. High levels of sodium and highly processed meat products are dangerous and can disrupt normal blood pressure levels. Nitrates and nitrites are also associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Whether you stop by the kiosks or like to make something "concrete" at home, think about what you can improve. If you can't do without a "meat" breakfast, ensure meat products made from chicken or turkey.

Fruit juice

If you are one of those who like to start the day with a glass of juice or drink it with breakfast, you should think carefully about that habit. First of all, it should be understood that there are also juices with a label 100 percent fruit full of fructose, and do not contain vegetable fibers that slow down the flow of sugar into the blood. If you're interested in vitamin C, it's best to eat fresh fruit. Freshly squeezed juices at home are always a better choice. However, the best choice of drinks are: water, tea, low-fat milk, and for adults a cup of coffee (without milk, sugar or other additives).

What should you eat in the morning? - Pixabay
What should you eat in the morning? - Pixabay

Muesli, flakes

Experts' advice is that it is best to start the day with a bowl of cereal that provides much-needed energy and nutrients. In the store, you can get lost in the sea of ​​different types of flakes: "original", colored or with reduced salt and sugar content. Children like the "colorful" balls or stuffed flip-pads and balls the most.

It is best to make your own muesli by adding dried fruits and nuts, various types of seeds and "sweet" spices (cinnamon, coconut, ginger, ground cloves, anise) to the flakes.

Source: avaz.ba

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