What does it mean to eat healthy - Marijana Primc Anastasijević - Recipes and Cookbook online - Pixabay
What does it mean to eat healthy - Marijana Primc Anastasijević - Recipes and Cookbook online - Pixabay

What does it mean to eat healthy? It's a different era now. It's the 21st century now. The 21st century has brought all kinds of benefits to us, the inhabitants of planet Earth. Everything around us has progressed, and therefore we as a species are more advanced.

This is usually how people talk about the new age we have found ourselves in, without anyone asking us if we want it.

I will leave aside the philosophical and sociological discussion, whether the above statement is completely correct. I will try to deal a little with the gastronomic side.

And let me emphasize right away - I am not a DOCTOR, I am neither a SORCERER, nor a MAGICIAN, nor an ALL KNOWER. THIS IS NOT AN INSTRUCTION, NOR A MANUAL for healthy living. This is not even advisory. I am writing this here only from personal experience and exclusively as a personal view of things. Over half a century of life, and almost 40 years of interest in nutrition and cooking, led me to express my opinion.

In short - in the beginning we ate what we found (fruits and herbs); then we started to eat the dead animals we found, and to hunt both on the ground and in the water and in the air, and we ate that first raw, and then roasted; then we discovered that various "grasses" can be planted, other living creatures can be grown to eat them... And so in the following centuries, we remained omnivores.

Some wise head wrote: you are what you eat. It's not but, we were happy to make fun of it. But the goal of this statement was not to identify us with some animals that are also omnivores, but to instruct us to pay at least a little attention to what we eat, if, of course, we want a healthier and better life.

Healthy food, healthy life - texts, advice and stories constantly pop up from all screens, from all media - eat this, do that, if this - then that... And in all that pomp, we end up forgetting what we actually wanted. and wanted to find out. Let me express my opinion right away - living in any urban environment (and more often in rural areas as well) and talking about healthy food bought in a store, even at the market - just in that super, extra 21st century - is losing its meaning a little bit. I will not go into details, because it has been written countless times.

For many years, I studied various types of kitchens, as a matter of personal interest. Chefs who were about a hundred years old came to my hand. I studied macrobiotics, and even respected the principles of macrobiotic nutrition for a while.

And now with a little over half a century of life, my life experience (both culinary and nutritional) has defined me that you should eat everything. But just about everything that is edible, and always, just always, in small portions. (And I've tried all kinds of things, which many people wouldn't think could be eaten).

We are here, in Serbia. Serbia is a continental country with a mostly continental climate. So, there are all 4 seasons and in all four seasons we have access to different food products. Ok, I know, we have access to all kinds of fruits and vegetables known and unknown to us in stores all year round. But that is not and should not be the point of our diet. When I say ours, I mean those of us who live in a certain geographic area.

If you're expecting me to give you a grocery list and healthy eating menu below, feel free to stop reading. Although I will finish this text in the next two or three paragraphs.

So, let me repeat the principle moje nutrition is to eat everything! Everything that our ancestors ate for centuries from the moment they settled in this area (although it is a relatively short period compared to many parameters).

Occasionally YES, occasionally you should make excursions in your diet and eat something "exotic", but it should not be the basis of our diet.

Scientists claim that it is written in our genes what kind of food suits our body. Maybe they are right, maybe they are not, I am not the one to dispute or confirm it.

I just know that whenever I don't follow the rule of eating only when I'm hungry (and not because there's food in front of me), I eat all kinds of food, with an emphasis on what's grown in our geographical midday (I mean plants too and on animals - now the vegetarians will challenge me immediately), to eat everything slowly and in small portions (not to eat while watching a movie or on the way, and not to overload the plate, so like a "good child" I lick it all the way, even though I'm already ate less than half, completely full) - always, but really always, problems arose - with excess weight, with various diseases (fortunately for me, not yet those that would shorten my life span). Also, as long as I follow the rule of eating seasonal food (seasonal for our climate) - everything is fine.

I consider myself a hedonist, primarily when it comes to food. I like to eat, I like to prepare and cook, I enjoy every bite. I eat both sweet (see miracles, which I adore) and sour and bitter and hot and salty. As long as I don't overdo it, everything works as it should with my body and with the whole of me 🙂

What does it mean to eat healthy - Marijana Primc Anastasijević - Recipes and Cookbook online - Pixabay
What does it mean to eat healthy - Marijana Primc Anastasijević - Recipes and Cookbook online - Pixabay

I know that many of you will now say - ugh, we read so much and she didn't reveal anything new to us. I think that there is nothing new to discover in nutrition, when I say that, I mean so much has already been written everywhere. And to repeat, I am not disputing anything, nor do I want to say that someone is more and someone else is less right. I was just passing on my experience. I applied my experience to my children as well. And it had full effect.

My menu consists of SMALL foods: fruit (all domestic types - when strawberries are in season, then watermelon - I wouldn't eat anything else 🙂 ), vegetables (some I like less, some more, but I always mix it up), grains (and processed and not processed), meat (all kinds of walking, flying, swimming, crawling...), sweets, cured meat products, exotic fruits and vegetables (rare), exotic meat (rare).

You will think that hedonism and moderation do not go together. It's compatible, try it. 🙂

And to repeat once more: I'm not a DOCTOR, I'm not a SORCERER, I'm not a MAGICIAN, I'm not an ALL KNOWER. THIS IS NOT AN INSTRUCTION, NOR A MANUAL for healthy living. This is not even advisory. I am writing this here only from personal experience and exclusively as a personal view of things.

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