Fresh homemade pasta - Recipes and Cookbook online
Fresh homemade pasta - Recipes and Cookbook online

Fresh homemade pasta - who hasn't wanted to try making it at least once? In the past, it was the only pasta, which was used to prepare food. Our mothers and grandmothers know this very well. Both taste and quality are, for sure, on the side of home preparation.

Fresh homemade pasta - Recipes and Cookbook online
Fresh homemade pasta - Recipes and Cookbook online
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Fresh homemade pasta - Recipes and Cookbook online

recipes and a cookbook for homemade pasta

Fresh homemade pasta - who hasn't wanted to try making it at least once? In the past, it was the only pasta used to prepare food. Our mothers and grandmothers know this very well. Both taste and quality are, for sure, on the side of home preparation.

Fresh homemade pasta, ingredients:

  • 250 g of flour
  • 0,5 teaspoons of salt
  • 3 eggs (larger)

Fresh homemade pasta, preparation:

  1. Add the flour to a large mixing bowl. Add the salt and mix well to even it out. Make a large hole in the middle of the flour.
  2. Separate the yolks to the whites. Whisk the egg yolks in a small bowl. Add the beaten egg yolks to the middle of the flour, where you made a big hole.
  3. Start mixing the flour and beaten egg yolks, very slowly. At first, the mixture will resemble a disintegrated porridge, but with further mixing everything will become even and become a very soft dough. If you notice that there is excess flour, remove it.
  4. Knead the dough on a clean surface. Press the dough and stretch it away from you. Then fold the longer line of dough you get into a ball and repeat the process. Sprinkle the mixing surface with flour, so that the dough does not stick to it. Cut the dough with a knife. If you see bubbles in the dough, continue mixing.
  5. When you form a smooth, elastic ball and there are no bubbles, the pasta is mixed.
  6. When the pasta is ready, form a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Let it stand for at least 30 minutes. Also, you can leave it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, before rolling and making the final product. In this case, the mass must reach room temperature before rolling.
  7. Before rolling the pasta, divide it into several parts. Sprinkle each part well with flour. The essence of rolling is that each part of the pasta, as well as the already rolled strips, should be well sprinkled with flour, so that they do not stick to each other, as well as to the machine you are rolling with.
  8. Roll the pasta with a special rolling machine. You always start with the largest opening and roll each strip several times until it is smooth. When you pull out the strip, fold it over and repeat the rolling process. This helps the gluten strengthen the texture of the dough.
  9. In the next step, reduce the opening and do everything as in the first step. If the strips of pasta are too long, cut them in half, or divide them into more strips.
  10. When you reach the desired thickness of the pasta, cut it with a knife, or using a machine. Do not forget to sprinkle with flour, in all steps.

Cooking, drying, or freezing pasta: if you are preparing the pasta right away, bring the water to a boil in a large pot, add a little salt, and cook the pasta until al dente, approximately 4-5 minutes. If you want to dry it, place the pasta over a clean textile cloth and let it dry until it becomes completely brittle. Store dried pasta in an airtight container for several weeks. If you want to freeze the pasta, make, for example, baskets from the noodles and leave them on the base until they are completely frozen. After that, transfer them to an airtight container and they can be frozen for up to three months. For dry and frozen pasta, it will take an extra minute or two to cook.


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