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Students organisation Business Development Network within the project School of business skills in cooperation with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences organizes an open lecture:

Maura Sweeney
Author, podcaster and reporter for the Huffington Post
Lecture topic: Life Stories for Leadership and Self-Empowerment

The lecture will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, starting at 18 p.m. at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Jove Ilića 154.

Successful attorney, journalist, and podcaster, Maura Sweeney, encourages and encourages future leaders of all ages to "become people of influence by living happy and fulfilled lives while spreading positive influence on others." As a multi-award-winning manager and renowned public defender in Florida, she has used all elements of her experience to inspire others to reach their maximum and present themselves in the best light – regardless of age, race or circumstances. Guesting every week on numerous American radio stations, he leaves a strong and encouraging impression on listeners with his irresistible stories. He also has his own personal, weekly podcast on iTunes & Stitcher Radio. Her writing can be found regularly on various sites such as the Huffington Post, Midlife Boulevard, Aspire Magazine,, Project Eve, Better After 50, and other personal development sites. An avid dancer, she has been interviewed by, Prime Time TV, regional television networks and even the UK's BBC Radio.

Combining personal experience and a successful career, this fun-loving woman has traveled to over 50 countries to share her transparent and empowering stories with her audience.

Mrs. Maura's lecture is held within the School of Business Skills project, which is organized by the student organization Network for Business Development in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia. The goal of the project is to provide young people with knowledge and skills that they do not encounter in the course of regular education, all in order to reduce unemployment and to improve and make better use of the intellectual potential of young people in the country. Some of the topics dealt with by the School of Business Skills are: entrepreneurship, leadership, diplomatic relations, communication, public relations, teamwork, psychology of success, business ethics, human rights, local development, democracy.

Previous lecturers: Dr. John Lennox (professor from Oxford University), Dr. Jürgen Spies (Director of the Institute for Humanities), Vanja Udovicic (Minister of Youth and Sports in the Government of Serbia), Guy Djoken (Executive Director of the UNESCO Peace Center from Washington), Uve Fredheim (General Manager of Telenor in Serbia), H.E. Nils Ragnar Kamsvag (Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Serbia), Dragana Roter (Head of Corporate Communications of Vip Mobile), Permanent Coordinator of the United Nations in Serbia, Irena Vojačkova-Solarano, Umes Muki, Honorary Ambassador of the UNESCO Club at the Sorbonne and founder of the Institute for Sustainable Leadership.

The new season started with a lecture by the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2003, Dr. Shirin Ebadi from Iran, which was held on October 22, 2014 in Belgrade.