If you feel like people don't like you, then you're probably doing these UNBEARABLE THINGS! - BKTVnews photo - karengately.wordpress.com
If you feel like people don't like you, then you're probably doing these UNBEARABLE THINGS! - BKTVnews photo - karengately.wordpress.com

[BKTV news, Sonja Martić]

Man is a strange breed - he sees other people's flaws well, but he doesn't think about his own. And when there is a problem, he looks for the culprit everywhere but himself.

And precisely because of this self-blindness, at one point he looked around and realized that "nothing is going his way", that "no one likes him", that is, everyone "has something against him". The truth is different, and very simple, we need to honestly think and notice what we are doing without pleasing our environment.

Constant lamentation

True, most of us live badly or not as we would like. But, imagine that we all lament how the worst is for us? Those other people we complain about have their own problems, maybe even bigger than ours, but they don't talk about it, and if we constantly bombard them with negativity, it will be worse for us and for them. Learn to solve your problems, and turn to other people when you need specific help, not the psychiatrist on call.

You take everything personally

This may have been understandable when you were in high school. However, if you are over 18 then you should have realized a long time ago that the world doesn't just revolve around you. Actually when you look closer, you and all of us are just small particles in this universe. You are not the center of events and other people do not think and talk about you non-stop, they may spend a few minutes on you and then turn to their work.

Me, me!

And this behavior is understandable for high school students. In short, you are a burden to others! You need to understand that self-affirmation is not about having everyone nod obediently to you. We get the respect and recognition of others on account of a series of virtues such as honesty, fairness, compassion, willingness to help and to listen, and not just impose an opinion... The cause of "me and me" behavior is found in personal unconfirmation, therefore you should discover in which segment of life you are unproven and work on it.


If you feel like people don't like you, then you're probably doing these UNBEARABLE THINGS! - BKTVnews photo - karengately.wordpress.com
If you feel like people don't like you, then you're probably doing these UNBEARABLE THINGS! - BKTVnews photo - karengately.wordpress.com

There is a whole series of behavior patterns that we repel people from ourselves, and we can detect them in a simple way: simply, imagine that someone else is in your presence and think whether you would like such a person. It is easy for all of us to live with ourselves, but is it easy and nice for others to live with us?

In that question lies the essence and the answer to what we need to change in ourselves. And when the environment sees that you admit your flaws and are ready to work on yourself, they will appreciate you more than you planned to achieve by imposing yourself.

Source: www.bktvnews.com

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