Botulism in babies - Why a baby should not eat honey - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Botulism in babies - Why a baby should not eat honey - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

When is it safe to give baby honey?

When I was little, my parents were beekeepers, but I'm not sure if they gave me money with like a baby. I remember that I spent my entire childhood on products from nature, and as children we consumed especially honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis. That's why I decided to ask if it's safe to give baby honey. The answer is - NOT!

Pediatricians and doctors advise that before introducing honey, wait until the baby is one year old and that it should not be added to the baby's food, water, formula milk, etc. until the baby is one year old.

However, there are countries where this recommendation is not respected and parents give babies honey from the earliest days or when introducing solid food.

It is up to you to consult with your pediatrician and make your own decision, and in the following text I will present some risks and findings that I managed to reach.

Does honey contain botulism?

Honey may contain Clostridium botulinum spores which can lead to botulinum poisoning (botulinum toxin). It is clear that some soils, where honey collects, contain a greater risk, some less, but you should definitely think about the risk to your baby. Honey is most often used in its raw form and is usually not pasteurized, sterilized or irradiated, as it is considered the healthiest, but even when pasteurized it can contain botulinum spores and should not be given to babies under one year of age.

Botulism in babies - Why a baby should not eat honey - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online
Botulism in babies - Why a baby should not eat honey - Ana Vuletić - Recipes and Cookbook online

If you do decide to give your baby honey, what are the signs of botulism that you should pay attention to?

Some symptoms that may indicate botulism:

  • lethargy
  • refusal of food
  • constipation
  • weak crying and malaise
  • weak facial expressions
  • uncontrollable jerks

These are generally the results of muscle paralysis caused by the bacteria's venom. If your child shows signs of botulism, take him to the emergency room immediately, because this is a disease that can threaten your child's life. If you still have the ingredients you gave your child, take them with you for testing.

Symptoms usually appear between 12-36 hours after eating food, but they can appear earlier - after a few hours or up to the 10th day at the latest. For babies, this limit is moved to 14 days later.

Adults and botulism?

Adults are more resistant to botulinum spores, due to a developed digestive tract, so we can tolerate smaller amounts of these spores due to the acid that the body secretes. When the baby turns one year old, the acid in its body will be able to destroy and fight against more poisons produced by botulinum spores.

Does this mean that the baby should not be given honey even when I am baking?

Because botulism spores require high temperatures to be killed, they can only be killed by boiling. Well, technically, if you bake bread with honey, it's not a safe option for your baby. The conclusion is that the spores cannot be destroyed in the home conditions and temperatures we use when baking.

Also, these spores can be found in corn syrup and molasses. Maple syrup does not contain botulism spores, but it is also not recommended for babies under one year of age.

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