Diet and nutrition recommendations for gallstones - Recipes and Cookbook online
Diet and nutrition recommendations for gallstones - Recipes and Cookbook online

 Diet recommendations for gallstones

Gallstones occurs when the fluid in the gallbladder turns into a stone. Most often, the stone is composed of various fatty materials, which harden. This occurrence is not uncommon, and some statistics show that one in three women and one in six men, at some point in their lives, will get a gallstone. Usually, two out of three people who have gallstones have almost no problems. Gallbladder stones can also cause complications, such as: severe pain, jaundice, pancreatitis, and various inflammations. Surgical treatment is common in cases of gallstones.

Note: please note that this text cannot replace the recommendations of your doctor and specialist, as well as your prescribed therapy. This text has the character of information.

General recommendations for nutrition:

Being a vegetarian and drinking alcohol only occasionally are the best recommendations. Try to reduce the fat content of the food you prepare. Eat as little fatty food as possible. It would be helpful to have more smaller meals. In case you notice that some food is a "trigger" for pain, try to avoid that type of food for a week or two, in order to reduce the appearance of pain symptoms.

Reducing dietary fat:

A high-fat diet can sometimes cause painful symptoms. Here's a comparison chart of high-fat foods and low-fat substitutes:

 High fat food A low-fat substitute
 Butter, lard, fat, oils, spreads Low-fat spreads, cooking sprays
 Full-fat milk, cream, full-fat yogurt Skimmed or partially skimmed milk, low-fat cream, low-fat or low-fat yogurt
 Full-fat cheeses (old cheeses, cheese, etc.) Young light cheeses (Swabian), cheeses with naturally low fat (mozzarella, ricotta) in small portions
 Snacks, cakes, pastries, biscuits, chips, nuts  Low-fat popcorn, rice cakes, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits
 Puddings, pies, ice creams Jelly without sugar, sutlijash from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, compote, low-fat yogurt
 Sauces and toppings with mayonnaise Fat-free mayonnaise, fat-free dressings, lemon juice, tomato juice sauces, balsamic vinegar sauces
 Meat and meat products, such as sausages, salami, corned beef, bacon, smoked ham, pork, lamb, beef, minced meat, meat pies, canned fish in oil Chicken, turkey, lean ham, lean beef, lean red meat, white fish, fish canned in brine or water

Note: many processed foods that are low in fat can contain high amounts of sugar. Check the labels. 

Practical advice to reduce the intake of large amounts of fat

Just by adopting some healthy habits you can really affect the amount of fat you consume. Here are some tips that you can use while cooking and preparing food.

  1. Try to avoid processed foods and cook from scratch when possible. This will help you have complete control over how much fat goes into your diet.
  2. Check the labels on the amount of fat in the product content. A high-fat product contains 17,5 g or more fat per 100 g. Try to avoid foods with red color on the fat label. Look for foods that contain 3 g of fat or less.
  3. Make as many dishes as possible with vegetables. For example, you can make Spaghetti Bolognese with a reduced amount of meat, adding beans and mushrooms.
  4. Use an oil spray when cooking, or wipe off any excess oil from the pan.
  5. Always measure the amount of oil when cooking, instead of pouring it roughly. A good measure is about one teaspoon per person.
  6. Try to use fats/oils in food preparation only when absolutely necessary.
  7. If you are preparing meat that sticks to the pan, a small drop of water can help, instead of adding more oil.
  8. Make your own dressings, using low-fat yogurt, lemon/lime juice, and herbs.
  9. Remove all visible fat and skin from the meat.
  10. Always remove the fat from the surface of cooked and stewed dishes.
  11. Try not to fry your food. Bake, cook, grill, instead of frying.

Note: Please note that this text cannot replace the recommendations of your doctor and specialist, as well as your prescribed therapy. This text has the character of information.

Source: (

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