Interview with... Zoran Modli | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?
Interview with - Zoran Modli - Recipes and Cooking online

Interview with... Zoran Modli - on Wednesday, October 01.10.2014, XNUMX, we publish an Interview with... Zoran Modli.

Source Wikipedia: "Zoran Modli is one of the most famous Serbian radio journalists and DJs. He started his career as a disc jockey at the beginning of the seventies, in the twentieth century, in Belgrade discotheques, practically introducing his work to Yugoslavia, since, at that time, the job of a person who plays music in a discotheque was not considered significant." >>> in more detail

I never thought deeply about nutrition - until, together with the baptismal certificate, the time came for that too. In any case, nature designed me so that the kilograms do not stick to me, which is really a gift from heaven!

Read the entire interview on October 01.10.2014, XNUMX.